Deceiving Spirits
Sept. 25, 2021
Eph. 6:10-20 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities /demons. Therefore put on the full armour of God. We are in a very intense war!
Sermon confirmed last night when I overheard my wife reading from Ephesians during her private bible study with our sister in Australia. They didn't know that I would be be preaching from Ephesians today as my main verse. And I didn't know that they would be reading from Ephesians.
Deceiving Spirits and Traditional Religion:
Assyrian religion had deceiving spirits including Assad.
Assad is a demon, so he would have already been alive during the ancient Assyrian Empire.
Those same deceiving spirits entered the next time era of the Babylonian Empire.
-Then the Persian Empire.
Daniel 10:10-14 Resistance given by rulers in high places.
It is the government and religious rulers of our local area that has caused so much difficulty for our ministry recently, with us
-Then the Greek Empire including "Alexander The Great" and the doctrine of eternal torture in hell.
Daniel 8:5-12
:5-8 "Alexander The Great"
:9-12 Antiochus Epiphanes and the Abomination of Desolation of that time.
-Then the Roman Empire with their Catholic Church.
-Then the Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire.
-And then into Islam, Lutherans, Baptist, Pentecostals, Methodists, Jehovah Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, KJV bible, etc.
-Then into the Y name cults.
The deceiving spirits are relevant in seminaries, colleges, schools, churches and families and cultures; and in Babylonian churches.
-Matt. 24:5, 9-14, 23-24. Demonic miracles, crying/bleeding statues, Stigmata (marks in hands or feet like Christ had, but these are demonic.)
-False speaking in tongues = confusion & deception.
-False dreams and visions, beyond just imagination. But rather demonic induced. False antichrist claims, false prophecies, etc.
-White horse, false peace, false love, false Jesus. = Deception including the Nobel prizes about what is good and who is good.
-False/demonic names, while people are abandoning Jesus name!
-Black horse of Nazism, Green of Islam and Red of Communism.
All of these are Democrats.
2 Thes. 2 Strong Delusion.
Rev. 13:13 Stone speaking and many demonic miracles.
Full sermon audio: