Brief Sermon Notes: To Whom It is Appointed
(6th New Moon, September 7, 2021)
Jer. 15:2 To whom it is appointed to die, so be it. To whom it is appointed to be captured, so be it.
Rev. 20 Many will be beheaded for refusing the Mark of The Beast.
Therefore, serving God in the truth doesn't guarantee you protection for the entire Great Tribulation.
Many of the ancient true prophets and the apostles were murdered even though they served God in truth.
Jesus was murdered.
The bible is very clear that there will be great persecution and martyrdom in our modern time. Serving God doesn't always guarantee everyone protection.
Many Christians are under a delusion of thinking that nothing could possibly ever happen to them. They forget all of the things that happened to the saints of the bible.
Matt. 10:16-28 We are not better than Christ and the ancient saints. If they were persecuted, hated and martyred, so shall many of the end time saints be.
Surviving alive until Christ comes isn't the most important thing, but rather staying firm in the truth and in true salvation is the most important.
Hebrews 11 Their lives and deaths are testimonies to us.
It's a high honor to be protected, and many will be protected.
It's natural to want to stay alive, and many will stay alive.
But those people who are chosen to stand face to face with the Chinese, Russians, Syrians, etc, they have a high calling to make their final stand in the same way that Daniel made his stand during his captivity, and Jeremiah made his stand although arrested; and Paul and others made their stand despite being arrested.
We shouldn't be like Jonah who tried to run from his calling.
We must boldly and bravely make our stand in our appointed callings.
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