Deut. 11:16-23 The 7th day & holy days are part of our spiritual branding, showing who owns us, who we belong to, who is our king, and of what kingdom/empire we belong to. Jesus is our King. We are in the Kingdom of God.
Rev. 13 The word "worship" appears 5 times. Worship is connected with 666 branding of ownership.
If we compare Rev.13 branding/mark in the forehead and hand with Exo.13 & Deut.11 branding/mark in the forehead and hand, then we can not separate or remove the theme of holy day observance from such brandings. The true followers of Jesus are branded by the true observance of the true holy days. The 666 people are branded by the WORSHIP of demonic holidays such as Xmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. The observance of holy days, or holidays, displays/reveals what kingdom you belong to and who is your king, and who you belong to. Xmas, Easter and Halloween are sacred days in witchcraft and satanism and Assyria and Babylon. Observance of those days brands you in your mind and heart and hands/works, and reveals that you are in the kingdom of Babylon and owned by the Assyrian Babylonian king, Bashar Assad, the "Antichrist" Son of Perdition.
Rev. 14:1 The Father's name is in our foreheads. Contrast with 13:1, where blasphemous Assyrian names are in the forehead of the beast.
Acts 19:24-35 The image/stone in Rev. 13:15 may be, and probably is, the moonstone/meteorite of Acts 19:35. A meteorite was known to have disappeared from Rome, and the black stone in Mecca was known to have been taken in from somewhere else.
Eph. 1:13 We are also sealed with The Holy Ghost.
Yes, we are sealed by the 7th day, the true Holy days, the Father's Name, and The Holy Ghost! They are all in agreement. Therefore, we must believe in the Full Gospel, and not just the Torah! Not just mercy, grace, and faith — but all of that plus more, including prophecy, deliverance, healing, miracles, dreams and visions, obedience, commandments, holy days, truth, revelation, The Father's Name, and the power of The Holy Ghost through The Blood of Jesus.
666 identifies who we worship & belong to.
Not just by name but also by when and how/when you worship:
Sunday vs. Saturday
Passover vs. Easter
Hanukkah vs. Christmas, etc.
Fiesta of Tabernacles vs. Halloween
Ezek. 8:15-18 describes Easter worship. It provokes GOD to anger!
Jer. 7:17-18 describes foreign nation/kingdom gods (like Santa Claus) & hot cross buns (to the multitudes of the universe: sun, moon, stars) & drink-offerings (Christmas milk & cookies)
Queen of Babylon = black stone of Mecca = Cybele = Artemis = Astarte = Tammuz = Easter = Assyria Babylon Trinity = kingdom of Babylon.
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