June 29, 2019 (26th of 3rd month)
Section 1: See Self:
Heb.4:12-13 Word of GOD cuts joints, heart, etc. Sees more than anyone else can see, even more than self can see unless we allow Him to show us. Does surgery on us if we do not resist. Must admit our faults, flaws, sins, weaknesses, etc. Word of GOD and Spirit of GOD, which is same, reveals our sins. The Word is a LIVING word, which quickens us, gives us life, provokes action, gives energy, gives healing spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically. Heals by cutting off problems and restoring us. Cuts off past life and legalism and false doctrines and sins and immaturity.
Romans 2:28-29 Circumcision of the heart makes us true Jews, regardless of color or language or nationality. Removal of plaque from the heart and brain. Things that don't belong. Although foreskin definitely belongs on a man. But the analogy is still true that HE removes what's needed to remove spiritually. It's surgery.
Romans 12:3 Humble self. Don't think MORE highly of self than ought to think. But to think soundly/rightfully/true. Don't think that you are without sin. Realize your own faults, flaws, sins, weaknesses. See yourself the way GOD sees you. Can't hide anything from GOD. HE sees us naked in every way. We should not resist (fight back) against GOD's correction and directions. HE does use scripture AND His administration of the church, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and deacons to correct and instruct the church including our sins. Isa.58:1 says that HE told Jesaias (Isaiah) to tell the people, HIS people, their sins. Judgment starts in the House of GOD.
Many people who have left this ministry, or was thrown out of it, could not realize & confess their sins and faults. They were stubborn and prideful. It's a major problem. People must be able to see their self deeply, truly. Must ask GOD to show us the truth about ourselves, even the things that we don't want to see (don't want to know and confess about ourselves.) Should also ask each other what our sins and flaws and weaknesses are. Because other people can see us and smell us more than we can ourselves. Should seek the real truth about ourselves from GOD and from others. Be willing to listen to criticism and examine self.
Section 2: Confess/Admit:
James 5:16 Call/write elders for confession to them and for anointing and healing. And also confess to one another, to your brothers and/or sisters. Need accountability partners. Need prayer and support. Pride prevents confession.
Matt.3:6 Confession at baptism also. This is public confession and destroys pride.
Acts 7:51 GOD's people are stiff necked (prideful and resistant to correction). See also Nehemiah 9:29
Section 3: Repent:
James 1:21-25 Receive the Word implanted (surgery theme). Be doers/workers of GOD's word. Don't just pray all of the time. Get up and do what you need to do to bring victory. Ride the adult bicycle/motorcycle yourself instead of depending of GOD to push you on the baby's bicycle. Trust in HIS Power and Faithfulness to forgive of sins and to cleanse you from the pass. Don't treat His Blood as weak water. There really is POWER in His Blood. But don't depend on GOD to do it all. Revelation says that the church cleansed herself too. She presses her own garments. She is adult. She doesn't depend on mommy and daddy to do her laundry. She has her own responsibility to take a bath and clean herself. Be active in life. Be active in repentance. Be active in reading the Word of GOD instead of depending on Babylon to tell you what HIS Word says and means. This ministry provides the news on the newsletter on two pages at http://proveallthings.weebly.com and http://proveallthings.weebly.com/breakingnews.html and on MeWe in many different types of groups that we created. We provide edification, news, instructions, teachings, encouragement, health tips, prepping tips. etc, etc, etc. I don't understand why anyone would think that they need Babylon. Don't be a forgetful hearer. But be a worker. Be part of this ministry. Be active. Be a member of the one body. Don't be jealous of others. We all have a part. Work together. If you don't like what you see in the mirror (spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically), do something about it. Change it. Do something. Don't just cry about it. Don't just tell GOD about it. Don't just expect HIM to wave the magic wand. DO something yourself.