The extremely important and urgent prophetic significance of this appearance, is the fact that the Syrian president, Bashar Assad, (the Son of Perdition, the being called 'the Antichrist") is going to appear in the sky (actually in Heaven, in a fake coming of Jesus) on the holiday of Purim (of some year, perhaps probably Purim of 2019, March 20-22).
What people saw in the sky on Feb.18 was a major foreshadowing of the "Strong Delusion" event of 2 Thes.2, which is also the Abomination of Desolation of Daniel 12 and Matthew 24; and of the war in Heaven of Revelation 12.
The prophecies of Jesus Christ WILL BE Fulfilled, regardless of whether or not you believe HIS WORDS.
See the dragon in the sky pictures:
Read undeniable bible PROOF that Assad will appear in Heaven
Read undeniable bible PROOF Assad is the antichrist
Read undeniable bible PROOF that the fake coming of Jesus in the sky will occur on Purim.