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Confirmations of Teaching of I Saw The Light Ministries:
Thousands of KJV Bibles Burned By A Pastor in Africa
This is a wonderful story of JEsus bringing righteous anger into people against the very corrupted Roman Catholic King James Version. I said a few months ago that JEsus will eventually burn and destroy every copy of the KJV. I gave examples of the Great Gatlinburg Tennessee fire that burned thousands of KJV's. Now we see a pastor burning the KJV. This is the first time I have ever heard of any pastor burning the KJV! Admittedly, he was NOT correct about the words "HOLY GHOST". As this article explains, the word "Ghost" did NOT previously have any negative, dark, evil meaning until recent modern history. But rather it was the word "Spirit" that had evil meaning. This confirms what I've been teaching, that we SHOULD say "HOLY GHOST" when referring to the saving spirit of JEsus via his crucifixion & resurrection. The Alpha & Omega Bible translates "Holy Spirit" as "Holy Breath" which is much more accurate & true to the meaning. The AO Bible DOES use the term Holy Ghost which as this news report explains is the better translation. This is another example and proof of the accuracy of the Alpha & Omega Bible. So although the pastor did it with the wrong understanding, at least he was still destroying the works of the devil, i. e. The KJV with the satanic word "Jehovah" and the many verses that were added to the bible by the Roman Catholic Church.
Learn about the Corruptions of the KJV Bible
Edification: The Roman Leg/Boot
The Roman Empire was symbolized in Daniel 2 by legs, then feet & toes partly Roman Catholic, part Islam.
Part human, part fallen angels & Nephilim.
On a map, Italy, the nation where Rome & the Vatican is located, is shaped like a leg, boot, feet & toes!
That's pretty amazing!
And while I'm on the topic of the Roman Empire, most people believe that we must see a revived Roman Empire in the European Union. But the truth is that the Roman Empire never ceased. It's still present via that European Union, the Roman Catholic Calendar, Roman numerals, Roman Islamic Holidays and the Roman Catholic Church. We do NOT need to see the Roman Empire come back, It never ceased! The iron of the legs continues to exist even within the feet & toes. So the iron, which represent the Roman Empire, never ceased. What we must witness is the resurrection/revival of the Assyrian Empire which was the founding spirit of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek & Roman Empires. The pagan doctrines did not begin with Babylon, but with Assyria. But the Bible calls it "Babylon" because of the location of the tower of Babel. The term "Babylon" also has spiritual meaning of "BABY-lon", a place where babies in Christ are sacrificed to pagan deities via Christmas, Easter, the trinity doctrine and other evil doctrines. We must mature up and leave behind the baby stuff and the GMO milk formula trap of the Islamic, Assyrian, Catholic Church.
"Just say NO to Baby-lon!"
Hey, I need a bumper sticker that says that!!!!