June 30, 2022. 1st day of 4th month in God's created calendar.
(Definition: Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power.)
Dan. 2:21 God is the one who controls war and determines the winners and losers of war, and it is God who establishes kingdoms and brings them to their end.
I was speaking with a person yesterday who claimed that the British Empire conquered Africa only out of evil intentions/purposes such as to steal all of African's mineral resources.
This same person also thinks that slavery is something done mostly only by white people.
This is the brainwashed thinking of people who read a lot of "educational" books and go to Sunday churches and who respect the well established controllers of modern western thought (universities, colleges, Babylon churches, & communists such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela).
Although this person considers himself to be a very (MAGA) conservative Christian, these beliefs of his shows that he has embraced many leftist, liberal, communist lies. Although he is a white man, he has embraced liberal subliminal messages that the white race is evil. He would never actually say those words exactly. But his beliefs about the British Empire speak louder than what he is able to say aloud. His subconscious has been penetrated with the lies.
He ignores the fact that the bible says that God is the one who controls war and determines the winners and losers of war, and it is God who establishes kingdoms and brings them to their end.
He also rejects that if the Israelite nations were to return to running our nations the way that God in the bible instructed us to do, that the entire world would be a much better place to live. He believes that way of life, the way that God commanded, is barbaric and evil. He thinks that way because of modern western programming, even as most people do. But God is not evil and his instructions and commandments are not evil. But most Christians believe that the God of the Old Testament is a cruel, evil monster. Yet we serve only one God and He is the same God of both the Old and New Testaments, and He is Love and He is wisdom and righteousness.
Isa. 55:6-9 His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. This means that humans think differently than God does, because we are taught by mankind and we use our own reasonings, rather than God's instructions. We choose for ourselves what's right & wrong, as Adam & Eve also did. We think that we are more righteous than God. We proclaim the instructions of God as sinful and evil. All of this is because of human pride and stubbornness and rebellion.
Gen. 22:17-18 The blessings upon Abraham.
:17 The Israelites to inherit the cities of their enemies. God's blessings upon their wars & conquests.
KJV says "gates of their enemies". Whether we are talking about cities or gates/borders or sea ports, the British Empire is the largest fulfillment in human history of anyone controlling cities and borders & sea ports.
:18 All nations of Earth to be blessed by these people who inherit these blessings. All the nations of the Earth have been blessed by the modern nations of Israel, America & the British Empire, more than any other possible identity. No one could have fulfilled this bible prophecy better or more completely.
48:1-5, 15-19 Those blessings passed down to Joseph's 2 sons.
The blessings upon Ephraim (the forefather of the British Empire) & Manasseh (the forefather of America).
:5 America's Egyptian connection to the pyramid on the dollar bill.
:19 proves that Israel is more than just one nation, and was prophesied to include a large empire comprising multiple nations.
No empire in human history could possibly fulfill this prophecy more completely than the British, who still maintains David's throne.
Some people in Zimbabwe & other African nations promote the ideal of returning to be members of the British Commonwealth again. They recognize the many benefits of British rule. And most people of the world recognize how barbaric, cruel, wicked and corrupt that the majority of African political leaders are. Any level of political control in Africa being returned to British rule (or American rule or Israeli rule) would be of great benefit to the African people, and the more, the better.
And the same would also be true for India, the middle east and other nations worldwide. Even as Egypt was better during the time of Joseph.
Size of England: (Added after the sermon.)
England and Great Britain is just a very small area of the world. They are not huge like India, China or Russia. Yet this tiny little nation was able to conquer multiple nations worldwide, on both sides of the globe! This itself is a huge point of proof of God's blessings & approval upon British Imperialism.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/jun-30-2022-british-imperialism-not-evil
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