Sept. 4, 2021 (27th day of 5th month)
Rev. 11:2 Invasion of Jerusalem by Gentiles.
Most traditional Babylonian Christians have been taught by their ignorant pastors that Israel cannot and will not ever be successfully invaded or defeated.
But this bible verse and many other bible verses prove them wrong.
Daniel 11:40-45 Also shows the antichrist invading middle eastern nations.
Ezek. 38:1-12 Shows Gog/Russia and Magog/China working with middle eastern Islamic nations to invade Israel.
Israel includes the USA, British Commonwealth nations and their allies. Not just the tiny nation of Judah.
Many traditional Christians, led by their ignorant pastors, don't understand very basic biblical truths such as that Israel was 12 tribes, of which most were not Jews! Jews = Tribe of Judah.
Manasseh = USA Ephraim = British Empire Worldwide including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, UK.
All of these nations and their allies will be invaded by Russia & China.
Even outside of the bible, just by watching the news, we can see very clearly that this is true. Syria, Iran, N. Korea, Russia & China are planning and preparing for WW3 and world domination.
Even the COVID virus was engineered for this purpose!
The fake uaccines (F. V.) are for this purpose!
The actions of Antifa & BLM are for this purpose!
The election fraud was for this purpose!
The Afghanistan disaster is for this purpose!
China is supporting the Taliban.
Israel and the UK have both said that they must now work without the USA and cannot trust Biden.
The whole world now sees the USA as extremely weak and defeatable.
Biden has removed many Trump supporters from the military. And many have left the military because of Biden or because of the fake uaccines. The American military has never been so weak in modern times.
Time is short & WW3 is soon and the Great Tribulation is soon. As soon as within the next 7-8 months, as of Sept. 4, 2021.
Even if I wasn't a servant of God, I would still be able to see what's so very obviously!
I don't understand people who can't see the obviously about what's going to happen and how soon it's going to happen!
People really are blind and spiritually deaf!
Anyone who is truly saved would very easily understand these things without anyone telling them. Anyone that has to be told these things, isn't yet saved and must get saved!
Several states are now doing audits on the presidential election. At least one or more of these states will definitely be decertifying their election results. The Biden regime will press back extremely hard! We can't rule out civil war. He is already ignoring US Supreme Court rulings. He has every intent to dominate the US via communist tactics. Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pig Loski are just as dangerous as him. Christians in America are in grave danger.
The F. V. are a very strong decoy of The Mark of the Beast as a way to keep people from understanding what the true Mark of the Beast really is, which is Sharia Law and all false religion and lawlessness.
The F. V. are part of a spiritual deception as well as the physical deception, and are part of the green horseman of Rev. 6, which is the last seal before the Great Tribulation. Therefore the Great Tribulation is next and is soon.
We can expect more battles/wars and nations lost to China, Russia, Iran and/or Syria in the next few months, accumulating into a major war in Heaven and Syria in March 2022, and then accumulating into the invasion of Israel in April 2022. The Russia Chinese invasion of the USA & British Commonwealth is likely to also occur in April.
People must repent of Sun-day worship, Christmas, Easter, Trinity and pre-trib rapture foolishness. They must wake up and realize that their pastors and families and friends have deceived them about everything. They must, and will, come to realize that their pastors have been blind and ignorant of the bible and did not know God.
It's time that people read the bible for themselves and test themselves about what they believe; and get rid of all of the false traditional doctrines that have been based on false religion and not upon accurate understanding of the bible.
And people must embrace the fact that the time for education and financial security is expired.
Everyone should fast and pray about where to go and when and how. Time is short and it would be extremely foolish for anyone, for any reason, to stay in Democrat controlled states of the USA, or in Earthquake prone states of the USA.
Full sermon audio: