Egyptian President Orders: Use All Brute Force Necessary To Defeat ISIS
Orders ISIS To Be Completely Destroyed In Egypt In 3 Months
This timeline also fits the prophetic timeline that I have been talking about. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Trump Administration Halts Taxpayer-Funded Purchases Of Iranian Nuclear Materials
“Iran was deliberately overproducing heavy water and then telling the U.S. 'buy it from us or it’ll blow up the deal.’ The Obama administration paid, effectively rewarding Iran for violating the nuclear deal. The Trump administration refused to let the Iranians hold the deal hostage.”
Trump Retweets Videos Of Muslims Being Violent, Labour MPs Call For Him To Be Banned From UK Events & Arrested
We need to keep Trump's safety in prayer. He is wonderful at speaking boldly against much evil. In the midst of an extremely wicked world, that's dangerous. The demons don't like people who boldly speak the truth. Please keep Trump in prayer for safety.
Canada: Jews Most Targeted For Hate Crimes, Hate Crimes Against Muslims Decrease
Many Respected Ghanaian 'Men of God' are Homosexuals Says Preacher Amoako Atta
S. Korea: Report Contradicts Claims That Abortion Has Decreased