Gen. 1:27 + footnote: We were made in His Likeness. We have His characteristics. We are sons & daughters of God! That makes us somebody! Important! VIP! We are NOT worthless nor rags.
Romans 12:1-3 Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought to think, but do think with sober and sound judgment. We shouldn't have stubborn, selfish pride. BUT we should have sound judgment in order to be able to appreciate self.
1 Cor. 6:19-20 We were bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in our bodies. Comb your hair. Look in the mirror! Be ashamed to be seen with hair not combed, except in private with roommates. Even then, most of the time, comb your hair! Look decent. Consider the example of "Michael the Fool", walking down the street with long, uncombed hair — it looks terrible on him! if you don't look decent with long hair, then don't have it!
Don't send really bad pictures of self.
Clean your house. Be ashamed if your house is seen dirty.
2 Cor. 3:18 From Glory to Glory, to more of His Image. Originally, we weren't really formed in His image, but more and more we are becoming to be a reflection of His Image. We are to be Christlike. Jesus was dignified. He didn't go around looking like a dirty bum.
Eph. 2:10 We are His workmanship & creation. We are called unto good works. We should take pride in our workings. Do them right. And if we make something that is not perfect, then it is NOT fitting to sell or give as a gift. Have (good) pride in our workmanship and abilities. And if something is not good workmanship, then don't display it! God looked upon the earth and said "It is all good"!
1 Peter 2:9 We are chosen people. His offspring.
Zach. 2:1-13 verse 8: We are the Apple of His eye
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