Also, the local Bahia Grass is actually from South America. It's not native to USA. Many people actually plant this grain (Bahia Grass) in their yards, but more so in farm pastures for hay and also for soil erosion. So if people plant it on purpose, it's useful. But when the seed goes astray from its assigned location and enters a place where it was not planted on purpose by the property owner, it's a weed and many people in the USA spray weed killer on it to get rid of it. The bottom line is that the sermon stated that there would be an appearance of black on tares at full maturity. And there was black on the Bahia grass grain on the SAME day. That's HUGE!
:38 tares = sons of the devil
:41 stumbling blocks + sinners = tares = to cause to fall away = to cause to sin. But these tares are not oblivious that they are poison.
Tares are people who act Christian but are sent by the devil to cause problems in the church. They test us and our faithfulness, and God allows it. But they are not obvious, not easily identified. We might suspect them, but we cannot prove they are unfaithful, and therefore are longsuffering with them. We have enough hope for them that we don't disfellowship, because they show promise & ability to mature to completeness and make it into the kingdom.
:47-50 the bad fish are separated from the good fish immediately.
Matt. 10:11-15, 34-41 Test who is worthy. Must be willing to forsake all for God.
18:1-11 cast out the stumbling blocks from the congregation. (Context of 18:9)
18:15-22 Removal of brother who is a stumbling block. (Context of 18:20, where 2 or 3 is gathered together, there HE is with us, is when we are gathering to respond to a brother's sin, whether to forgive or to rebuke or disfellowship. It's not talking about when we gather together for worship, although of course He would be with us then too.)
Luke 17:1-4 Saying "I repent" would include confession of fault and turning away from repeating the sin, not just the words "I repent". The Bible summarizes.
1 Cor. 5:1-5 Paul put away an evil man from the church.
This verse confirms the 2nd Resurrection. There is hope for people even if they die to sin in this life.
Eph. 5:6-11 Expose children of disobedience & of the devil.
Gal. 1:8-9 false preachers & false evangelists are to be cast out!
2 John verses 7-11 You are not to welcome antichrists into your home. How much more then are we to resist letting them into The House of God?
If we know a worker of iniquity/disobedience/sin and CAN distinguish them, then remove them ASAP! But if we have no proof, and have no witnesses, and have no evidence, and don't know for sure that they are stumbling blocks, and they are not resisting the truth, then we have no reason to remove them. We all have some things that we must work on. We can't cast out all of us. We are all longsuffering with each other, as we all are striving for perfection and not yet attained. We contain to forebear with each other. More and more people will come, whom we will need to longsuffer and forbear with. Some will for the most part look and act like true followers of Jesus. But we might slightly suspect that they might truly be lost. But we still forbear and longsuffer with them, praying for their salvation and helping to bring them to full salvation. But in the end, GOD Himself will sort them out and reveal who is really His, and who is not truly His people.