Be aware that time is short. You must repent. Be aware of your own flaws, sins, and weaknesses.
Matt. 16:1-4 Discern signs of the time.
Syria, Iran, Trump, China, Russia = all signs.
July 4: China Lake 6.4 magnitude earthquake on military base.
Followed by 7.1 quake on the next day, which disabled it. Prophetic sign of China invading California and the USA.
Be aware of the signs of the times and be aware of what time it is on the prophetic timeline.
Matt. 24:37-51 If we knew the time of the thief's coming, we would not allow our house to be broken into. Protect self and family. Be aware of changes in end times. Robbery, muggings, murder. This generation is a wicked generation! Be aware of the stupidly and extreme wickedness in this generation.
Jesus will not come as a thief to us. We will be expecting Him. Be aware of the prophetic timeline.
Especially men must be aware of surroundings for the women's sake. Most women are not as aware of surroundings as men. Men have a stronger instinct to protect and to fight.
Be aware of your surroundings!
2 Tim. 3 (Entire chapter) End time wickedness and dangers. Don't underestimate how wicked the world is.
We are in a very real war! Warfare from evil against God's people is not just on a spiritual level, but also in the flesh. The devil wants to kill us! There will be martyrdom and arrest!
I remember years ago when Anthony thought Joshua & Jenny wouldn't sue us. But I know how dangerous and real this world is. The pastor has to make decisions to protect the ministry. Anthony was very naive about the wickedness of the world. I made decisions based upon the reality of this world and my responsibility to use wisdom. We must be aware and awake to the extremity of the wickedness and dangers present in this world. The people are wicked. Don't underestimate how wicked people are!
Prov. 27:12 Prudent/wise man hides/protects/prepares when he sees or knows that trouble is coming. The foolish do nothing.
Eccles. 3:1-8 A time to hide and a time to fight.
Be aware of when to hide, when to flee, when to run, when to fight, when to rebuke, when to keep silent. This comes with living for Christ over a longer period of time. Wisdom comes with age and experience.
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