JEsus wants you to get ready NOW! Relatively soon, Bashar Assad, a fallen angel, demon, archangel of the devil, the antichrist, Son of Perdition, WILL APPEAR IN THE SKY.
SEE PROOF in the Bible at
Most people will worship the demon angel in the sky, even atheists!
We MUST warn our families and friends to NOT worship him!
We will be mocked, but we MUST warn as many people as possible, and quickly!
After he appears in the sky, it will soon be made known that it was Assad and that he is claiming to be God. The popes will endorse him as God. Muslims worldwide will worship him and murder MANY people in the streets of USA and around the world. Syria, Iran and Russia will successfully invade Israel 30 days after Assad appears in the Seat of GOD in The Temple of GOD in Heaven, in the sky.
USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Danmark, South Africa and other Israeli tribe nations will be invaded quickly as well. Life as we know it, will change dramatically very quickly!
I will NOT give a date. But if you realized how extreme this is going to be, and really believe what the bible says about this, then you will take immediate preparations!
How to Prepare:
1. Repent of porn, classic rock n roll, horror movies, xmas, easter, halloween, sunday church services, trinity doctrine and pre-trib rapture doctrine and many other sins.
2. Be Baptized by full immersion in water in JEsus Name. I can baptize you over the internet or phone.
3. Keep the weekly 7th day commanded rest and worship on "Saturday" from sunrise to sunrise and all of the biblical Holy Days of the Kingdom of JEsus, which are: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and Last Great Day, Hanukkah and Purim.
4. Read the Alpha & Omega Bible daily. Worship JEsus daily. Pray throughout the day, every day. Fast from all food for a set amount of time.
5. Seek via fasting & prayer about whether you should move or stay where you are. MOST people SHOULD MOVE! It is ignorant & arrogant to think that it will be safe to stay in huge cities or near coastal areas or in earthquake prone areas.
6. Study how to identity, harvest, cook and eat local plants, flowers, herbs, etc for BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE. PRACTICE THIS. You will NOT have stores to go to!
7. Practice fishing and hunting. You WILL NEED meat! It is the will of JEsus that you eat meat including and especially squirrel, rabbit, birds of all kinds, groundhog, fish of all kinds, etc.
8. Fast & pray about what to stock up on, or buy, or make. Everyone should prepare SOMETHING, even if it's only a backpack or better shoes.