USA claims Russia knew about and maybe even helped Syria with the Chemical attack.
We should NOT believe Putin!
We SHOULD believe Trump.
Putin is on the side of the Son of Perdition, the "antichrist". Why would we believe & support people who support demons? Why would we believe a communist, demonic leader of 666??? Putin is all about propaganda. Don't fall for it!
But rather we should believe & support Trump who has a moral conscience to defend innocent children!
It's EXTREMELY CLEAR, WITHOUT QUESTION, that we are nearing WW3 with Syria, Iran & Russia & China, as JEsus announced via I Saw The Light Ministries MANY, MANY times since 2008.
The "Strong Delusion" of Assad appearing in the sky is soon. Please email, write and call everyone possible. They must be told!
How To Be Able To Afford To Prepare For the Day of THE LORD (Great Tribulation)
Also includes a list of supplies you will need.
Mosque of Radicals who Plotted to Blow Up Famous Venice, Italy Bridge Ordered to Close – Angry Muslims Plan Mass Protests
Teacher Fired for Assigning 6th Graders Questionnaire on Going to Gay Bar
She gave her sixth grade students in her “Leader in Me” class an assignment that was copied from the book,
"Exploring White Privilege".