He was saying that America should stay out of what's going on in Syria. But after receiving intelligence briefings and continued provocation by Assad, Trump now understands that the right thing to do is to try to remove Assad from power. But what he doesn't know is that Assad is what they call "the antichrist" & therefore cannot be removed from power until JEsus comes & destroys Assad. Give it time, Trump WILL attack Assad which will be the fulfillment of the "deadly head wound" of Rev.13, and the start of World War 3.
Nikki Haley Opens Door To US Action Against Assad For Chemical Weapons Attack
Israeli officials claim Assad ordered attack, warn of Syria's chemical weapons plants
Will US Supreme Court Ruling On Arab Bank Open Floodgates Of Litigation?
South Korea To Vote For Their Fate
The demonic leftist candidate is in the lead.
U.S. Sanctions North Korea, Russia, China Over Nuke Weapons Program