Officials declare that Syria Kept its Chemical Arsenal.
Jordan launches war on ISIS in Iraq, Turkish warplanes hit ISIS in Syria. US, Israel involved in both ops.
I need to remind everyone that Assad had previously said that if ever that Turkey ever strikes inside Syria that it would be an act of war and that there will be responses. And that Russia also said it would be a violation of international law. Turkey is a member of NATO and this will be seen as a NATO invasion of Syria, an ally of Russia, Iran and China. I reported months ago about this deal between Turkey and USA/UN/NATO that these bases would be used to strike inside Syria, create a no-fly zone and eventually attack Assad, thereby fulfilling the deadly head wound of the Son of Perdition, Bashar Assad, the Anti-Christ.
US, Turkey impose partial no-fly zone over Syria.
USA denies it, but it does not make sense to do a major air operation over Syria WITHOUT shooting down any resisting Syrian jets. I am confident that a no fly zone is being enforced over parts of Syria. Obama's main stream media is well known to keep secrets and to proclaim out right lies.
Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East
50 mile swath of grasshoppers/beetles seen on radar in Texas/Oklahoma
See Total undeniable irrefutable proof that Bashar Assad is the Son of Perdition (Antichrist)
Learn about WW3, The Gog Magog War between Syria/Iran/Russia/China/Cuba and USA/Israel/British Commonwealth.
Prophecies for 2015 and beyond
Underwater volcano off Grenada expecting to erupt very soon.
I've noticed a huge increase in such underwater volcanoes.
It's only going to continue to increase & will eventually have a very significant impact.
U.S. House approves bill which prohibits states from requiring GMO labeling.
This is outrageous! The bill must now go to the Senate. Of course the politicians have been bought out by Monsanto.
Send Congress your demand for GMO food labeling.