By JE-sus saying "My Grace is Sufficient", JE-sus was basically pointing Paul to Psalm 23. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. Meaning that an intimate spiritual relationship with JE-sus is sufficient, that we are to be content with having JE-sus in us regardless of our trials & experiences in the valleys. Proverbs 17:22 says that a cheerful heart makes good medicine. In 2 Cor.12:10, Paul says that he will be content with his (physical) weakness as well as with all the insults and persecutions. We are NEVER to be content with sin.
It's extremely clear that Paul's thorn in the flesh is a physical weakness or sickness. Although sickness can come because of sin, Sickness is NOT always the result of sin. John 9:3 There are times when physical healing does not come regardless of our repeated prayers and pleas. We should not always judge people based on physical sickness or based upon their visits to doctors, medical test, etc. Jesus did not judge the woman who had went to many doctors. He simply healed her without telling her that she needed to repent of going to doctors. In her case, it was His Will to heal her at that point in her life.
We should not be like the wicked cults that forbid visits to physicians and hospitals. The doctrines of these cults cause people to die due to their legalism. The doctrine that all doctors and all medicine is sorcery, is a doctrine of the devil. People need to repent of such dangerous cult doctrines. The Truth is The Truth.
Why Not All Modern Medicine is Sorcery
Confirmations added to article "Difference between Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost"
When researching something in 2 Corinthians, I came across this wikipedia article ( about Papyrus 46, in which it says, QUOTE: "In several instances, the word for Spirit is written out in full where the context should require a nomen sacrum, suggesting that the scribe was rendering nomina sacra where appropriate for the meaning but struggling with Spirit versus spirit without guidance from the exemplar". UNQUOTE.
A "nomina sacra" is a sacred abbreviation. JE is a sacred abbreviation of JEsus. They were common in the first century. Very clearly Papyrus 46 shows that the scribe considered that pneuma (spirit/ghost) could be written in different ways in different passages. He sometimes used a sacred abbreviation, and other times did not. Context is key to the proper translation.
Also recently when I was translating the Alpha & Omega bible, I wrote the following note in John 7:39 "BUT THIS HE SPOKE OF THE SPIRIT, WHOM THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN HIM WERE TO RECEIVE; FOR THE GHOST WAS NOT YET GIVEN, BECAUSE JE-SUS WAS NOT YET GLORIFIED.
(Ghost: JE-sus had not yet been crucified & Resurrected. See 20:22 for further explanation about why I translate the same Greek word as “Spirit” in some cases & “Ghost” in other places. But here, I will also explain that the Greek words for “not yet” here are also extremely important to the translation of “Spirit” or “Ghost”. The first “not yet” in this verse is G3768 oupō which is used 27-29 times in Scripture. The second “not yet” is G3764 oudepō which is used only in 4 places.
Here & John 19:41, 20:9 & Acts 8:16 and is always in the context of referring to after His Crucifixion. Both here & in Acts 8:16 it refers to receiving The Empowerment of Eternal Life that was only made possible by His Crucifixion/Blood & The Glory of His Resurrection. See Luke 24:49
“Power from on High”. Acts 1:8 “shall receive Power after The Holy Ghost is come upon you. ..."
(Acts 2 was not the first time anyone received The Holy Ghost. The disciples received Him in this verse, after the Resurrection, before HE ascended back into Heaven. The Greek word for “Spirit” or “Ghost” refers to air/breath. Since JE-sus had died & been resurrected, it is appropriate to translate it as “Ghost”, the soul of someone who has died, yet is alive. Many words can be translated many different ways according to context. By using the word “Holy Ghost”, we relay the fact that we are receiving the Eternal Life giving Breath of He who was crucified & Resurrected. This is different than receiving The Holy Spirit during old testament times, although it is the same One Spirit of Theos, it is now with the Saving Power
of The Blood of The Lamb of GOD, crucified & Resurrected, and with the Empowerment of the Son of Man in us, as we are being transformed to His Image. See 7:39 for more proof that it should be translated “Holy Ghost” after His Resurrection)