Hi, I want you to join me prayer against the decision
which ukba made against me.
I want the lord to intervene that their decision
is over turn. Al hassan.
City: independence
State: ohio
Nation: usa
Name of Person requesting Prayer for. First Names only
Please: michelle
Prayer Request: pray god heals my hiatul hernia, body
producing gas, intestinal gas and flatuence.
Preacher Bob Jones of Bob Jones University, South Carolina died. Earthquake Strikes.
Bob Jones, American Babylonian church Elder died Feb. 14, 2014.
Only 2.5 months after Paul crouch died Nov. 30, 2013.
Babylonian preacher, Jamie Coots died Feb. 15, 2014.
Billy Graham is on his death bed.
They are starting to drop like flies.
Judgment has come to America's babylonian church elders.
On the SAME DAY that bob jones died, a 4.1 Earthquake also struck South Carolina.,
7 miles Northwest of Edgefield, SC. Only 88.9 miles from bob jones
university. https://maps.google.com/maps?gl=us&hq=bob+jones+university&daddr=1700+Wade+Hampton+Blvd,+Greenville,+SC+29614&panel=1&f=d&fb=1&geocode=0,34.875308,-82.364351&cid=2536794236518501215
It is NOT coincidence that an Earthquake strikes South Carolia on the exact same
day as Bob Jones death., he was much associated with S.C.
Although a 4.1 is very minor in magnitude, It is the timing and location that cannot be
coincidence, and 4.1 is very rare for South Carolina.
Conclusion: Judgment is hitting America's Babylonian Church. Major Judgment for America coming
MercyMe’s Lead Singer Rants on Facebook After Getting Criticized About
his support for demonic Bruno Mars performance.
The so called christian music group known as "Mercy Me" as again shown their true colors in their support for Bruno Mars.
Below is a copy of the demonic facebook post from Mercy Me 2 weeks ago:
Seriously I love you guys. I really do, but you've got
to find a bigger cross to die on. If me saying Bruno's performance was awesome
can instantly tear down my 20 years of ministry, then I've been doing something
terribly wrong! Oh wait I have been doing something terribly wrong! I've lived
most of my life as a legalistic, judgmental, religious person. Not anymore
folks. I'm a huge fan of music regardless whether Bruno misuses it or not. I'm a
huge fan of sex, so is my wife...so is God by the way, regardless if the world
abuses it. I'm also a fan of the word of God REGARDLESS if some of you people
twist it to make a point. In other words, I'm no longer living my life based on
what people say or think about me. My plate's already pretty full adoring my
wife and kids and relishing in the truth that there's nothing I can do great
enough to make Christ love me more than he already does and I can't be bad
enough to separate myself from the spirit that dwells inside. So I'm gonna live
life like I can't screw it up. I can screw "stuff" up...sure. And maybe some of
you think I've screwed this post all up. Ha. But that's ok cuz grace works for
even me. And as far as all of us being judged by our maker one day? That does
not exist for the believer. There is and will never be any condemnation from
Christ. When James talks about ministers or lead singers of christian bands
being judged more harshly. He ain't talking about in heaven. He's talking about
being judged by the Jesus police who prowl Facebook waiting to pounce. Ha. So
what do I mean when I say find a bigger cross to die on? Live life doing stuff
that matters like finding rest knowing Christ has done the work for you! I'm
telling you, when you truly taste grace, life is a freaking blast! To know a
perfect messiah came so we can have imperfect moments, like my Bruno worship
apparently, and still be ok may be the greatest news of all! Heck if I'd known
all of this was gonna come out of what I posted, I would've posted "BRUNO MARS
I really appreciate you guys. I would not have spent 9 yrs
writing this if I didn't.
Welcome To the New Bart.
Annnnd here's a sample of some lyrics from our upcoming release:
No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No mater the scars
Still the truth is The cross has made you flawless
As you can see in the quote above, the
lead singer of "Mercy Me" is teaching "once saved always saved" doctrine which
says that you can do ANYTHING and still not lose your salvation, of course that
is a lie of the devil. It's about time people wake up and realize these
contemporary "christian" music stars are babylonia preachers who are making
merchandise out of Worship.
Russia and the West fight it out in the Ukraine.
Snow on the Ground in 49 States in America.
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