These are only just brief notes, not full transcript. For better understanding, please listen to the sermons every Saturday. The live broadcast is 2 p. m. Eastern Time.
1 Cor. 12 (Entire chapter) All of us are different. We're all individuals. We're not all the same.
Different people have a different measure of The Holy Ghost, and different measures of knowledge, faith, love, gifts, understanding, etc. But we're still all one body and need each other.
Some of us are stronger than others. And some of us are weaker than others. But we're still all one body.
Not everyone can be the big toe, or the thumb. We need the little toes too.
1 Cor. 1:26-31 Many times, GOD chose the weak. NOT the strongest or the richest.
-GOD could have chosen someone other than the apostle Zimmerman, someone more holy, more wealthy, stronger in every possible way, more resources and more support, but instead GOD chose him.
Same with many of our members. We're all one body.
-There are mentally challenged people. Down Syndrome and many types of disabilities and mental disabilities, ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, etc.
(And yes, ADD & ADHD is real. Most of the time, people are wrongfully diagnosed, so it's not real in many cases, but there are some people who really do have it. More and more every year.)
-My Uncle Walter that just died. He was mentally challenged. But if he had accepted the truth, of if only his caretaker (my cousin) had accepted the truth, I would had accepted them both together into the congregation and into our Great Tribulation community.
-Even as we would also accept adults with children, if the adults embrace the truth.
Many mentally challenged people are similar to children in their mental abilities.
-Also some people are emotionally very strong and others are emotionally weak. The weakness is a weakness, but we were not all made strong.
-Some people's birth signs declare that they are emotionally weak, prone to depression & other weaknesses by GOD's design.
That's the way that they were made. We all have different strength & different weaknesses, but we all have weaknesses.
-I'm not making excuses for anyone. I know that all sin must be overcome. But there are some weaknesses that are not sin, but rather just GOD made characteristics.
-Even as Jacob's 'so called' "deceptiveness", which was used only for GOD's purpose, not in sin.
-Or even Samson's large measure of lust for women which was completely within GOD's will. It was his weakness, but was also as GOD made him.
People who will be in the 2nd Resurrection, include Moses (who had a weakness related to speaking) and Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. So it's NOT bad to rise in the 2nd R.
-The people that make it into the 1st R, it won't be because we're better than the people in the 2nd R! But rather, it's just that JE-sus has a plan for 2 great harvests of souls.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Sickness and all imperfections show that we are all but just human, but GOD's Grace is Amazing, and GOD's Grace is sufficient to cover any sickness.
-In the 2nd Resurrection, everyone will have a perfect mind, no mental disabilities, and new bodies with no death. It will be everyone's last chance to make it into The Kingdom, so Jesus is going to make it even easier for the weak.
As He is not willing for anyone to perish, but for all to have everlasting life.
Why we support Israel and do not give up on Israel:
We acknowledge that Israel is an antichrist nation. Judaism is a form of Islam. They reject Jesus and they reject Jesus name. They fly the flag of Satan. So why do we not reject them and withdraw our support?
1. Because Israel is the only nation on Earth that I know of that even tries to keep the 7th day (Sabbath) and the true Holy Days as a nation. They do it wrong, but they at least try.
2. They are among the chosen people of Israel. They are the physical brothers & sisters of the USA & the British Commonwealth. Therefore, they are an important ally against the 666 nations of Nazism, Islam and Communism. We must not forsake them!
3. They are surrounded by demonic Islamic nations which would kill every Jew and every Israelite on Earth if allowed to, and if USA did not protect them and support them. Protection and Support of Israel is extremely important. It's the same as protecting innocent, defenseless babies or protecting our physical brother or sister if someone tried to kill them. (I understand that Israel has a powerful military. But it's nothing to compared to an invasion from many, many nations.)
4. The land belongs to Israel regardless of their sins. It was given to them. They own it. They have the GOD given right to exist.
5. There are many Christians in Israel also. And many more can be converted to true Christianity easily if we do not forsake them. They already accept a lot of foundational truth, so they can be converted.
6. The land of Israel is important to all true Christians. We have the responsibility to protect our mother land. Regardless of our nationality, color, race, etc, if we are truly saved, Israel is our home. Not Heaven. Only by supporting Israel, can we protect our mother land (home land).
Reminder: 10th New Moon special services Tuesday Dec. 15 at 7 a.m. Eastern time.