Feb. 6, 2021 (24th of 11th month)
These are only very brief notes to help people remember later (& study later) what is taught.
It also helps people in other nations who are not good at English, to understand what's being taught.
The actual sermon will have many additional statements & edifications. I won't follow these notes 100% as I preach, but rather will follow the leading of The Holy Ghost of Jesus.
Matthew 24:1-31
:8 "birth pains" sometimes translated as "sorrows".
-Time of Sorrows (or birth pains) is a time of pain & crying, a "minor" tribulation before the GREAT Tribulation. Therefore we should now be having women crying out!
Both men & women, but of course more women crying out, as natural.
-Women more emotional, feel the birth pains of the world more than men.
:19 Woe unto the women nursing babies at that time. (More difficult fleeing with children. Plus women's emotions.)
-With the virus epidemic, many elderly people dying, people unemployed, vaccinations poisoning people, impending additional plagues, the Biden communist regime having taken over America, the persecution of conservatives in the USA, and increasing wickedness in the world, there's plenty of reason for weeping right now!
-Gen. 18:20-21 God heard the cries of the people of Sodom & Gomorrah. That's why He destroyed it.
Genesis 19:12-13
-Exodus 3:7-8 He heard the cries of the Israelites in bondage.
If we want the end of wickedness & suffering, we should lift up our cries for deliverance.
David did so as well in the form of pleading for God to exercise his revenge/wrath/punishment upon the wicked.
-Joel 2:1-2, 9-26 (Volume 4 Prophets; Page 173)
A time of weeping; followed by deliverance & joy.
Judges 4:1-7 (Volume 2 History: Page 29) God again heard the cries of bondage & sent a deliverer.
Psalm 34:15-22 (Volume 3: Wisdom/Psalms book. Page 38.) The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears & will give the ultimate victory.
David has much tribulation. Many enemies. His own son betrayed him. So he knew suffering.
But he also understood that all trials are temporary and GOD is ultimately good and righteous.
The final victory belongs to those who will endure with Him.
Sadness & weeping is temporary:
Psalm 30:5 Weeping endures for a night (season), but joy comes in the morning.
There's a time for weeping. But we must also balance this with joy and focus on Jesus's goodness and his promise of eventually rescue and final, eternal deliverance. HOPE, FAITH!
Romans 8:14-28, 39 Even the Earth & the entire universe is groaning, waiting for us to be completed in perfection and turned to spirit and inherit The Kingdom throughout the entire universe.
Confirmation of today's sermon:
"Grace Jesus Girl" in Jamaica commented as follows on our social media group 17 hours before the sermon began, (& 14 hours before I saw her comment.) (She didn't know what I was going to be preaching about, and I didn't even know the subject at the time that she posted; or else might have been coming to the realization of the topic around that time maybe.) (I didn't see her post until hours after I realized what the subject would be; actually the next day. Jared also did not know today's topic.)
"Currently listening to this sermon (of July 15, 2017 "God is tired of waiting" which Jared posted) and it is bringing my spirit in a state of weeping, I am not sure why is that... God is indeed tired of waiting, yet it's not in His will that any should perish, yet He is long suffering to us.
It is so ironic that this sermon also dragged my memory back to a dream I had around 2018, where I saw a lion (pastor's note: the Lion of Judah) walking back and forth as if he was waiting on people to come, each time he looked up and saw no one coming he let out a groaning sound as he continued pacing back and forth anticipating the arrival of the people, but they refused to come, I saw were he flashed his paw like a finger as if the people were in trouble and they were going to be punished. He continued the same movements and groaning until I woke up."
Next Services:
-New Moon (1st Day of 12th month) = Feb. 12 Friday 7 a.m. Eastern Time. (Can listen to this one in the achieves later if too early in the morning.)
-Saturday Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. normal time.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/feb-06-2021-pre-tribulation-time-of-sorrows-with-weeping-pain