Special Announcement!
The Most Accurate Bible Translation available to the common person in modern times!
To The Glory of The Father in JE-sus Name.
For the Kingdom & for the Body of Christ.
This translation is meant to restore the original Holy Scriptures (but translated into English) as much as I am able to do so with the understanding & knowledge bestowed upon me via The Holy Spirit of JE-sus Christ. I take the translating of Holy Scriptures EXTREMELY SERIOUS. It is a very FEARFUL thing to me to translate the Holy Scriptures. I do NOT take it very lightly. I would not want for my name to be erased from the Book of Life due to taking away from or adding to Holy Scripture! So I have NOT jumped quickly into doing this task. In Fact, I have thought about this for years. But I feel that now is the time to start this translation for the help of the Body of Christ, the Church. This translation is MUCH needed and it would be irresponsible for me to NOT share in the greatest magnitude what JE-sus has revealed to me. Matthew 10:27 tells me that what JE-sus has whispered in my ear in private, to SHOUT upon the housetops! The people NEED the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures as possible. I do NOT claim that this translation is 100% accurate. But I do intend to make it as accurate as I possibly can and I will be updating and editing this translation on a regular basis (daily to weekly). The result is that this translation IS the MOST accurate translation available to the common man in modern times. Since I have started this translation, The Holy Spirit has already been confirming HIS Blessing & anointing upon this work and has been giving me the correct words & confirmations of the correct words. All Glory to The Father in JE-sus Mighty Name!
All Scriptures are written in UPPER CASE as was the case with the original Scriptures.
My notes are typed in (black italics and in parenthesis).
In the full color editions of this Bible, All Old Testament Scriptures will appear in blue except for the Words of GOD Himself which will appear in dark red both in the Old Testament & New Testament. The dark red is easier on the eyes than normal red.
When the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, it will appear in blue even if it is the Words of GOD Himself, to show that it is a Old Testament quotation.
In the black & white printed editions of this publication, all words will appear in black due to printing cost. You ARE allowed to print at home in either black & white OR in full color.
I will probably NOT be able to translate all the Scriptures. But I will do as I can and what I feel most led to do. I will set priority to finishing Genesis, Exodus, Luke, John, Revelation and perhaps Isaiah.
At the time of this announcement, I have Genesis chapters 1-3 finished for now although I reserve the right to edit them more later as necessary. This translation is available for FREE download.
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