RED ALERT: Russia deliberately killed 30+ American, Israeli, other Officers at Coalition Headquarters in Syria
This is obviously revenge for the American strike on Assad's troops. This is HUGE NEWS! This was a direct attack against a secret military headquarters base inside of a mountain. This has now become a war DIRECTLY between Russia/Syria and USA/Israel.
Who they claim are people who are helping terrorist, are actually people who were fighting the antichrist, Bashar Assad. It's not wrong to fight Assad. He's extremely wicked and was responsible for 911 in America. He has been the main person behind international terrorism all of his pretend human adult life. However, the American government needs to learn that you cannot defeat evil people by using evil people. Instead, use our actual military power without reservation. However, in this case, JEsus has ordained for Assad to stay in power until Jesus destroys him Himself. Nevertheless, there's nothing wrong with America trying to overthrow such wickedness. Now, Russia has intentionally killed American military officers. This is an act of war. Will Obama perform the duty of president? Or will he allow Russia, Iran and Syria to continue to kill American troops? And for how long will Obama continue to be allowed to work for Iran in the White House? Well, it seems that this HUGE news is being withheld by the main stream American news agencies. So most Americans are still in the dark. But conditions in Syria are now rapidly progressing toward World War 3. I cannot see it going beyond another 4-6 months before we see the main fighting. But we will just continue to watch and see.
US airstrikes on Syrian troops were ‘intentional,’ lasted nearly 1 hour
Good! The Syrian troops have been beheading people who refuse to say "Assad is God above all gods, even above Allah". A person I know told me that her hair dresser is from Syria and has family still in Syria. The family in Syria said that the Syrian troops are beheading people for refusing to say that. I have video proof that they are forcing people to say that. We see here that the situation in Syria is already turning into WW3 as Jesus told you and me that it would. Do you believe now?
Video Proof Syrian Troops Forcing People to Say Assad is God Above All gods and Above Allah
And more solid, undeniable proof that he is the Son of Perdition, what Christians call "the antichrist". Surprise! You are here and you are seeing the antichrist. You have NOT been raptured out!
isis Attacked American Base in Iraq with Cruel Mustard Gas Shell
No one was hurt.
Crowds of Thugs Terrorize Charlotte NC
Demoncrats who hate law and order and who hate white people riot, loot, rob and beat innocent white people, some of who were there to support their riots against law and order. The national guard should take complete control of the situation and do whatever it takes to get these devils under control. I am asking Jesus to start the Great Tribulation as soon as possible, to delay no longer, to squash the wickedness soon. I'm sick and tired of all of the wickedness and I am sure JEsus is as well. When people are lawless & out of control, governors & presidents send in the national guard and armies. Jesus is going to bring in the Russia & Chinese armies into lawless, out of control America.
Most Of Puerto Rico Still In The Dark After Power Plant Fire
3.5 million people without electric! Are you prepared to be without electric long term? You should be! Regardless of where you live. This is coming nationwide to America and the world soon.
Flag Stomping Teacher Has No Regrets, Wants Student Punished for Telling on Him
I realize that people are worshipping the flag as a god, but neither should this teacher be teaching hatred against America in the classroom. And to punish the student for telling on him? That proves he's a communist! He should be arrested for inciting terrorism and for promotion of communism which should be illegal.
Former Haitian Senate President: Clinton's Exploited Haiti Earthquake ‘to Steal Billions of Dollars from the Sick and Starving’
Bizarre Message Plays on 'Hacked' Radio Station in New Jersey: 'Trump Will Go 26th"
I believe this is a serious & real threat against Trump by one of the islamic terrorist cells in the NJ area. His first debate with Clinton is on Sept 26 in NY. IF you watch the video, you can turn it off after 28 seconds in order to avoid listening to the stupid cursing of the person who recorded the radio station. I usually don't share stuff from Alex Jones' website as he is demonic. But this story must be shared just in case. Hopefully security will be tight enough to stop the attack.
Catholic Crowds Flock To Mass. Church To View And Kiss Dead Man's Heart
SICK! This is one of 18 ways that I have listed that the Catholic church is the same as islam. They both worship death.
18 Ways That The Catholic Church Is The Same As islam and Why Both Living Popes are the False Prophet of Rev.13
Tiny Georgia Town Receives More Syrians Than LA, NYC Combined
Of course this is a town run by demoncrats and filled with demoncrats. But now there are thousands of dangerous terrorist in one tiny town! Who can keep an eye on so many people in one location? When Assad exalts himself as "God" and invades Israel, the muslims will instantly start murdering millions of Americans. They will no longer have to pretend to be peace loving Americans.
New ABC Television Show Portrays Major Terrorist Attack That Wipes Out Entire Presidential Cabinet, Leaving the Succession to the Sect. of Urban Housing
Hillary Clinton is the Former Sect. of State and as you know, I have been saying for several years that she will be the president via the 25th Amendment rather than by election only. I have been saying that Jesus has taught me via His Holy Spirit that. There are many ways that she can be appointed as president via the 25th amendment and what this television show portrays is just one possible way.
Official Trailer
Another look
CNN says "Designated Survivor gives us the president we want"
Hillary Clinton represents Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt. Rome invaded Egypt during her reign. Assyria, Iran, Russia and China will invade USA during Hillary's short reign. America's great ancestor was Manasseh in the bible. His parents were Joseph and Asenath, an Egyptian woman. Therefore, America is of the seed of both Israel and Egypt. So it's very fitting for Clinton/Cleopatra to be the last queen of America.