1. Explosion in New York City's Chelsea Neighborhood
UPDATE: SECOND DEVICE IN MANHATTAN IS A PRESSURE COOKER was found four blocks away. They still are too politically correct to say that it was a "terror attack". Hillary Clinton: "I've been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the attack in Minnesota".
A dumpster blew up at 8:40 p.m. Saturday night in Chelsea, blowing out the lower windows of a 14-story residence for the blind.At least 26 suffered minor injuries from what may have been an explosive device, police sources told The Post. The explosion, described by one neighbor as “deafening,” happened outside the Associated Blind Housing facility at 135 W. 23rd Street. The facility provides housing, training and other services for the blind.Police and FDNY units also responded to reports of a possible second explosive device found in a Dodge Caravan on 27th St., between 6th and 7th Aves., just before 11 p.m.
The NYPD was questioning a possible suspect picked up about eight blocks away from the blast, sources said.
A witness said he felt and heard the blast while entering the 23rd Street subway station with his family.
A history professor at Mercy College, turned around and saw the back of an SUV "totally blown out."
2. Around 8 Victims Stabbed, Suspect Dead In Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, roughly 60 miles northwest of Minneapolis Update: 8 stabbing victims came to hospital; only 1 admitted, rest treated and released.
3. Bomb Explosion, More Found, in New Jersey At Charity Race for Marines
UN Security Council Emergency Meeting Tonight After USA Killed 60-80+ Syrian Army
Security Council Meetings This Coming Tues/Wed Concerning Assad
U.N. Inquiry Blames Syrian Military for Chlorine Bomb Attacks
Prophetic Watch Time Frame for Abomination of Desolation Jan.20-March 1, 2017
As revealed in today's sermon broadcast:
Ex.32:25-30 Mose's second trip up to the mountain for 40 days to see GOD, fast, pray, atone for the people's sin and receive the 2nd copy of the 10 Commandments occurred from the 1st day of the 6th month in GOD's calendar, until the Day of Atonement.
Each month, they would blow the trumpet on the first day of the month. On the first day of the 1st month, the first trumpet would blow. The 2nd month would be a second trumpet. 3rd month, 4th, 5th, 6th. But none of these were High Holy Days. But on the first day of the 7th month, the 7th Trumpet would blow, representing the LAST Trumpet at which time that the Saints will be caught up to Heaven. The 7th month, the 7th Trumpet. This day is called the Festival of Trumpets. There are also 7 commanded Holy Festivals per year. In the 7th month, we have the 4th, 5th, 6th AND 7th annual festivals all in just one month. 9 days after the Day of Trumpets is the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement was the only day of the year that the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies behind the Vail and see the Ark of the Covenant where The Very presence of GOD was. On that day, there was a great sacrifice of 4 specific animals. Oxen/bulls, Rams, Goats and Lambs. It's the only time of the year that all 4 were commanded to be sacrificed. Isa.34:1-9 Ezek.39:17-19 and Deut.32:34-43 proclaim that on The Day that Jesus returns, He will sacrifice the wicked men, armies of the antichrist, as bulls, rams, goats and lambs. Rev.11:19 shows that when the 7th Trumpet blows, at which time that the church is finally caught up after the Great Tribulation, the Temple of GOD in Heaven is opened and the Ark of the Covenant is seen, which only happened on the Day of Atonement. Joshua 6:1-21 details the Army of Israel marching around Jericho 7 times and blew the trumpets each day, then on the 7th day, blew the 7th Trumpet after marching around 7 times that day. Then Jericho fell at the sound of a great shout (there is a Great Shout when we are caught up and when Jesus comes) which represents the fall of Babylon during the final 7th Trumpet & the Battle of Armageddon 45 days later. Some Jews wear white robes on their wedding day and on the Day of Atonement and are also buried in that same white robe. They wear their wedding clothes and burial clothes on the Day of Atonement because they know that the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of GOD will occur at that time, so they wear their wedding garments. Rev.19 says we will be given white robes after we are caught up at the 7th Trumpet, then return on the Battle of Armageddon with JEsus. When we are caught up, our flesh will die and be left behind. Therefore it's also our physical death but we will continue to live as we are resurrected unto Jesus. The soonest Day of Atonement that Jesus could possibly return is Sept.27, 2020. But it's possible that it could be the year or two after that. But 2020 is the soonest possible for the Return of JEsus Christ because He does not lie and because the Scriptures cannot be broken. And HE/Scriptures promise us that we will have exactly 1,335 days from the Abomination of Desolation (The fake coming of Jesus which is Assad appearing in Heaven) until JEsus actually does Return. It is not true that it's impossible for anyone to ever know the day. What Jesus said is that no ones KNOWS the day. That was 2,000 years ago. HE did NOT say that we will NEVER know. If we can never know, then why does the bible gives us the EXACT number of days from a MAJOR event unto The Day of His Return? Can we not count 1, 2 ,3, 4...??? To the wicked, HE will return as a thief in the night because they are not looking and waiting for Him. But according to 1 Thes.5:4, we are NOT like the wicked and HE will NOT come as an unexpected thief to us. We will come to know the date of the wedding!
Currently, I am not proclaiming with all certainty that Jesus is coming back in 2020. But if HE were to come back at Atonement of 2020, the Abomination could occur 1,335 days earlier, on or around Jan.31, 2017. If JEsus were to return on the Festival of Trumpets 2020, 9 days earlier, at the festival that is nicknamed "The Feast that no man knows the day or the hour", then the Abomination of Desolation would be Jan.21, 2017. Therefore, it's only prudent that I declare a prophetic watch time frame for us to watch. I am declaring for us to be watchful Jan.20-March 1, 2017 for the POSSIBILITY of the Abomination of Desolation. At this time, I am not yet saying "Thus Saith THE LORD". I am not proclaiming a prophecy that it WILL occur at that time. I am only setting a WATCH for POSSIBLE fulfillment. As that time approaches, we will be able to tell more about whether it will be fulfilled and whether JEsus has truly revealed it to us IF it will be 2020. But if it's a later year, then we will still not know whether it's "Thus Saith THE LORD" or not until 1,335 days before Day of Atonement of 2021, or 2022, etc. We must only wait, be ready and watchful. It's foolish to not watch at all when we have so many scriptures and evidence that at least SYMBOLICALLY, it points toward the Day of Atonement and/or the Festival of Trumpets. We will need to see certain other things fulfilled first, such as the American attack on Assad, before Abomination of Desolation could occur. So if that doesn't happen by mid Jan.2017, then we can say it won't be Jan.21-Jan.31, 2017. Tonight in the news, we see more terror attacks in USA and a major confrontation at the United Nations concerning Syria and Assad. So right now, it looks VERY possible for this to be the correct time frame.
Listen to the entire sermon broadcast concerning this at www.isawthelightministries.com/services.html Look for the broadcast from Sept.17, 2016 named "40 Days 40 Nights Trumpets Atonement".