This could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back!
Will there be an eye for eye revenge attack on America?
Will Syria say "you took our water and dam, now we will take yours"?
OR will that be the excuse of a NWO False Flag?
Several days ago, i noticed that June 11 will be the 14th day of the Third month in GOD's Calendar. not the roman calendar. not the Hebrew calendar.
The people who follow this ministry the most, will remember that 3-14 is a major prophetic date.
In 2006, JESUS gave me that date and it was partially fulfilled March 14, 2014.
Later it was revealed that it is also connected with assad of Syria and foreshadows yet future events as well.
Although June 11 is not march 14, it is 3-14 in GOD's Calendar. i looked up
the date of June 11 in History and found out it's a major historical date for
the rise and fall of Kingdoms.
In History, on June 11 in different years,
Alexander the great died in king nebuchadnezzars palace in babylon. THAT'S
Also a German tribe related to the beginnings of the bohemian groove
conquered a Roman army.
Also five men were appointed to write the Declaration of Independence for America.
Also the end of the Six Day War of Israel with Syria, Egypt and Jordan. 611 (the roman date of June 11) is the witchcraft gemetria number of the word Torah.
Also 611 also represents yhvh and also the 611 commandments of Moses. So 611 and June 11 is very important to Jewish kabbalist and the illumani. King James Version 1611.
The numbers 6 and 11 both major numbers of illumanati. i believe that The Holy Spirit has
brought all of this to my attention.
i am NOT proclaiming any specific event to occur this year on that date. But i do believe that SOMETHING will happen. i do not know for sure what. or how large.
Please don't ask what could happen.
as i do not want to guess. It could be seen and easily noticed by everyone when
it happens. OR it might pass by unnoticed by most people.
The importance of many significant historical events were not recognized until later on. So if you
don't recognize it on June 11 does not discredit this Revelation.
We will just have to wait and see what happens and pray that we recognize it. i have
prayed about this several days before releasing it.
i feel that i must share this Revelation and that it's important. i know nothing of myself. Only what
Jesus reveals. All Glory to JESUS, my LORD my KING and my GOD.
Learn about the March 14, 2008 Fulfilled Prophecy at
Learn about Bashar Assad as the Son of Perdition;
Assad hiding chemical arms in remote mountainside.
Iran claims victory with Assad’s anticipated win in Syrian election.
Virginia state Senator Richard Black praises Syria’s Bashar Assad
Chinese Government Controlled Newspaper says USA aims at China and Russia
with the deployment of THAAD.
Chinese General: South China Sea Disputes May Turn China into 'Qualified
Enemy' of USA.
Russian jet nearly collides with U.S. surveillance aircraft in ‘reckless’
intercept in Asia.
Situation in Ukraine Heating Up!
Ukrainian air force fired over 150 missiles at Lugansk, bombed admin HQ.
Learn about the Russian, Syrian, Iranain Invasion of Israel. The Russian
invasion of England and Europe. The Chinese invasion of Japan and Taiwan. The
Russian Chinese invasion of America.
Muslims Push for Taxpayer-Funded Halal Food in California Public Schools.
Learn about the Halal Mark of the Beast:
Real explainations of Romans 14 and Isaiah 65-66 has
been added to the article about the Sabbath at
Isaiah 43:10 (NASB) You are MY (not our) witnesses,
declares THE LORD (originally JEH) and MY servant whom I (not we) have chosen,
so that you MAY KNOW and believe Me (not us) and UNDERSTAND THAT I AM HE. (not
them). (who is speaking? The Father? The son? whoever is speaking is alone)
BEFORE ME THERE WAS NO GOD FORMED. AND THERE WILL BE NONE AFTER ME. (there would never become another God formed. Jesus is not a new creation. HE always existed
and created everything. Jesus is JEH with us. GOD with us. He is not a different
God) I EVEN I AM THE LORD. (There is only ONE LORD. Jesus is LORD). AND THERE IS
NO SAVIOUR BESIDES ME. (only Jesus is Saviour). Look at verse 13: Even from
eternity I AM HE...Look at 44:24 Thus says THE LORD YOUR REDEEMER and THE ONE
who formed you from the womb. I THE LORD AM THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS. stretching
out the Heavens BY MYSELF and spreading out the earth ALL ALONE. John 1:1-3 In
the beginning was The Word. and The Word was with God (my voice is with myself
but i am still one person. This Jesus was the voice/breathe of GOD. It is HE who
spoke everything into creation and breathed life into mankind) and the Word WAS
GOD. (not a separate person). All things came into being through Him. and apart
from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. Revelation 1:8 I AM
THE ALMIGHTY. (That is Jesus speaking!) 21:7 He who overcomes will inherit these
things and I WILL BE HIS GOD and he will be MY SON. Also read Hebrews 12:5-11
notice the word THE LORD. There is only one LORD. This speaks of Jesus. Notice
the repeated use of the words sons which refers to us. if we are the sons, HE is
our Father. HE created us. Who created us? The Scriptures says that Jesus
created all things. Isaiah 9:6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be
given to us, and The Governmment will rest on His Shoulders and His Name will be
called Wonderful Counselor MIGHTY GOD ETERNAL FATHER Prince of Peace. John 14:8
Philip said to Him, LORD Show us The Father and it is enough for us. Jesus said
philip? HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER... So in conclusion, It's very
clear in Scripture that we serve One God and Lord, His Name is Jesus. He is The
Father and The Son. He is the Holy Spirit. He is The Holy Ghost. He is THE KING
of Kings. Is there a King greater than Him? No. so why does the Scriptures also
describe Him talking to and interacting with The Father as if The Father were
another being? Because GOD put a part of Himself into Mary. That part became
known as GOD WITH US (Jesus). The larger measure of Himself that stayed in
Heaven is known as The Father. The smaller part of Himself that became flesh
remained loyal and submissive to The Larger Measure of His Spirit, plan and
purpose. That smaller part of Himself still remains submissive to The Father.
But once all things are fulfilled (devil destroyed, angels judged, wicked
perished, righteous rewarded, new Heaven new Earth) HE will be whole again and
will not be submissive to anyone. i now share with you a mystery that you have
never heard before yet is revealed in scripture. When everything is completed,
Jesus will subject Himself unto His larger measure of His Spirit and they will
no longer be two manifestations. 1 Cor.15:20-28. last words of verse 28 all in
all. means to be made one again or made whole. am i saying that Christ will
cease to exist? NO. But HE Will merge back to being His Word. HE will manifest
Himself as ONE. HE shall be our GOD and we shall be His People. We won't be
serving two or three beings. Only One. so currently we can say "Jesus AND The
Father" and we say "Jesus is The Father". Both are true statements. But these
two manifestations are One and Same Spirit/deity which shall again become One
HE came to reconcile the world unto Himself. but HE could
only do so by becoming a servant to us in the flesh. HE gave part of Himself to
save His Own Children. JESUS is the express image of The Father. like looking in
a mirror. We see the image of The Father. but He is not just a reflection. He Is
a manifestation or part of Himself. long enough to accomplish all things and
make all things complete. It's amazing and beautiful. even more beautiful than
believing HE is one manifestation. but these two manifestations are the same
being using both mind and body to get the job done.
2 Cor.5:18-19 notice the
words repeated "to himself". via Christ which is Himself come in the flesh.
check out John 2:19-21 who raised Christ from the dead. HE did. yet other
verses in the Bible says GOD did. The Holy Spirit did.
John 10:18 NASB
confirms Jesus raised Himself from the grave. by commandment of The Father, the
larger measure of Himself which had stayed in Heaven while his flesh body walked
on Earth.
Col. 1:13-20 notice to Himself. thru him means thru his own flesh.
we can only be Saved by the blood of GOD in the flesh. the blood of a man could
not do it because all men were born with a sinful nature. Christ (God in the
flesh) had to die for us.
In recent years i was having dreams of water dams breaking. Then one morning i dreamed the Hoover Dam broke. i asked Jesus if this dream was true and to confirm. Then soon after
that, a man who did not know anything about my dreams, told me that he dreamed
the Hoover Dam broke. So then i had received confirmation and knew the dream was
true and from GOD. i started telling people what Jesus told me. Then eventually
someone in Washington State (i live in Tennessee) told me that she also had been
having dreams of a dam breaking. But she thought it was a local one in her
state. Then eventually one day after church services a man came up to her and
her husband and told them that he had a vision that their local dam would break.
The vision said It will be the Grand Coulee Dam which is a MAJOR dam. In the
vision the Hoover Dam (las vegas nevada) also broke later the same day. Other
people across the nation has also been reporting dreams and visions of dams
breaking including the Hoover. Recently, they discovered a huge crack 65 feet
long in a major dam ON THE SAME RIVER downstream from the Grand Coulee. They had
to pull back the water to keep it from totally collapsing. It was a close call.
They have not been able to identify the cause. It will be a major project to
repair it as they discovered that the dam is NOT EVEN anchored in the bedrock!
They have already had to start buying electric from another supplier. When the
Grand Coulee goes, the water will eventually crash into this already compromised
dam. Then the Hoover and maybe others around the nation. This will result in the
lost of electric and drinking water for millions of people LONG TERM. Las Vegas
will be without electric and water. Even las angeles will suffer. They will
blame this false flag inside job on Syria or Iran. America will attack Syria.
Iran and Russia will take Syria's side and it will start World War 3. A huge
earthquake will strike Texas. The president of Syria, bashar assad yeshua, will
invade and conquer Israel and Egypt. he will claim to be god and the pope will
endorse him and be his false prophet. Russia and China will invade and conquer
America. People who refuse to say that assad is god above all gods, will be
beheaded. There is NOT any pre trib rapture. Now i understand that these are
things that you never heard before and therefore can sound strange to you. i
also understand there are tons of false prophets out there and you must be
careful. i know nothing of myself. The only reason i know any of this is only by
revelation from Jesus. with many confirmations. i ask you to PLEASE FAST AND
PRAY about whether any or all of this prophecy is true AND whether Jesus would
have you to do anything to prepare for the days ahead. Deadlines for Syria are
coming due. America and Russia are at each others throat. The dams have already
begun to break. Will you accept the revelation from Jesus the Christ? at least
pray and ask. But let me be clear. Only national repentance can reverse course.
That is simply NOT going to happen. Can a nation pray and repent and God will
save their land? yes. But America has forsaken GOD and will not repent until
after they have received Judgment. Judgment is a good thing. Righteousness in
this land will only come when His Judgment has come. It's all up to GOD. i am
only the messenger. GOD will be glorified in all of this and people will
eventually come to repentance and return to Jesus. Even in the midst of Great
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