Very Conservative Model Predicts 2.6 Million Deaths From COVID19 In USA By July 4
Harvard sent out an alert that 60 people from Marriott hotel in Boston sent over to Brigham Women's Medical center,
for #COVID19 testing. Maybe related to conference at Marriott where 3 employees from Biogen tested positive yesterday
USA: #COVID-19 Coronavirus cases now in Texas, Maryland, Florida, Washington, Oregon, California, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Illinois, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Pennsylvania. (Although Pennsylvania is not listed on the CDC map, I shared on MeWe a video of a Pennsylvania man who has the virus.)
Babylonia pastors with the virus will be released too soon and then infect thousands more people in one of the largest Babylonian church congregations in the world!
A cult in S. Korea is largely responsible for most of the cases in that nation. Iran also has a very huge epidemic. It's clear that the COVID19 coronavirus is a judgment from GOD.
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