Russia is destroying isis in Syria via strikes by both airplanes and cruise missiles by naval ships. The Syrian army has also become extremely active against isis. Russia is preparing to also strike isis in Iraq. Iranian troops are also inside both nations attacking isis. While it is good that isis is being destroyed, all of this will empower Russia, Iran and their Mahdi Bashar Assad. This will help to propel Assad into his role as the Son of Perdition, the one called "the antichrist".
Also, Russia and USA is going head to head in a war of words and Russia is destroying not only isis but also the "rebels" which were supported by USA, Israel, Turkey, NATO and Saudi Arabia. Therefore these events also proper us closer and closer to the Gog and Magog War of Ezekiel 38, the Assyrian and Russian invasion of the tribes of Israel, including the land of Judea and USA and the British Commonwealth.
If you do NOT believe that USA and the British Commonwealth are the tribes of Israel, then you obviously have not yet examined the evidence. The proof in the Scriptures and in History is overwhelming and CANNOT be denied if you will take the time to examine these things. Once you understand that the tribes of Israel became many nations which are still on the Earth and that the tiny nation of "Israel" today are only the tribe of Judah, then it opens up understanding of end time prophecy. You CANNOT understand end time prophecy without understanding who "Israel" physically is today. Although Spiritually anyone and everyone who has The Holy Spirit is spiritual Israel, we must not deny the fact that there ARE physical tribeS of Israel as well. To deny that fact is arrogance and rebellion.
It is also extremely important to NOT reject the Scriptures which reveal very clearly that the end time Son of Perdition, the antichrist, the man of sin, the lawless one, is the Assyrian, Bashar Assad. The proof of this in Scripture is 100% solid. I do NOT understand how ANYONE can objectively look at the evidence and read all the Scriptures can deny these things which I am speaking of. To hang onto our personal beliefs, traditional doctrines of man and human reasoning over and above what The Scriptures very clearly say on these issues is sinful rebellion against The Word of GOD.
So if you have not yet taken the time to objectively examine the Scriptures and all of the proof that I have presented then I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. We don't have time to play around or to be lazy. These are very serious matters which require the attention of every living human. These are life and death situations. We MUST become informed. We MUST study the Scriptures to see if these things are true. This isn't the time to stick with preconceived notions and personal opinions. The carnal self needs to step aside and allow the Truth to be revealed.
Here are the links that I recommend that you fully and carefully examine with all diligence. Your physical and Spiritual life could depend on it!