Syrian Battle of Dadiq Important to Ancient Islamic Prophecy
Regardless of the outcome of this battle in the coming days and next week or two, the very fact that there is a major battle to be fought at this location between the west and the different sects of islam, is significant to Assad and his troops and the islamic state of Syria, isis. I firmly believe that prophecy is right on target finally be fulfilled in the coming weeks and months.
If people had started preparing for the Great Tribulation in 2008 as I had urged, or in 2009 as I had urged, or in 2010 as i had urged, or 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016, as i had urged, then they would now be VERY ready. But most people did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in any of those years and still won't do anything in the next couple of months. Sooner or later, the Great Tribulation WILL come and it will be TOO LATE to prepare at all. Then people will be expecting manna to fall from the sky and nothing will fall but missiles, fire, hail and brimstone. Noah preached the end of the world for 120 years. He was always right from the beginning. Yet only 8 souls were saved from the destruction that had been preached for 120 years. Jeremiah preached the coming invasion for many years before it finally happened, so did Isaiah and others, yet almost no one believed them. Prophecy can take many years to be completely fulfilled, but the proclaiming of those prophecies MUST continue to be proclaimed in order to try to wake up people and get them prepared! The less they believe/prepare, the longer it will take for the prophecies to be fulfilled, as Jesus continues to delay and wait for the people. But sooner or later, He has to stop holding back and stop waiting on the people to believe/prepare.
If a person preaches lies and false prophecies, they get a HUGE following as we see with many prophetic websites, facebook pages and television evangelists. But the more true doctrines and/or true prophecies that a minister or ministry proclaims, the LESS people will believe. It's the sad state of the majority of the people.
All i ask is this: Ask JEsus sincerely and passionately in fasting, prayer and bible study and with a TRUE desire for the truth; and be willing to give up every lie and deception and every sin; and put JEsus and His Will & Truth FIRST. Then, I do not see how anyone could not believe and accept His Word.
Examine this main stream news article which explains the prophetic situation in the town of Dadiq. We don't have to be prophets to see what's happening. If we just read the news every day, we should have enough common sense to know that the Great Tribulation is closer than what most people want to believe.
Florida ALREADY FLOODING, preparing for Hurricane Matthew
Largest Hospital In Rebel Held Parts Of Syria's Aleppo Destroyed by Russia/Syrian Air strikes: Bunker Buster Bombs
Putin Signs Decree Suspending Russia-Us Deal On Plutonium Disposal "Taking Swift Action To Protect Russian National Security"
40 Million Russians Going To Bunkers During October 4th To October 7th Nuclear War Drill
Holiday in Hell: Syria Government Releases Video Lauding Vacations in War Torn Aleppo
The video is set to the "Game of Thrones" movie theme music. This confirms that Assad wants to sit in The Throne of GOD. The Syrian war is a game of Thrones.
See Proof in the Bible that Assad is a Fallen Angel Who GOD will Allow To Only Momentarily Sit in The Throne of GOD in The Temple of GOD in Heaven, which is The Abomination of Desolation, Thus a Fake Coming of Christ JEsus, thus the majority of the whole world will wickedly worship Assad as GOD.
Florida Advised to Start Preparing for Hurricane Matthew NOW
BBC Sack Award Winning Comedian for Being 'White and Male'
Electric Restored to South Australia After 3 Days of No Electric in the Entire State
1,000+ Illegal Voters in Virginia
This isn't just in Virginia, this is a nation wide problem. It's a HUGE problem in every state because of the wickedness of demoncrats who cannot be trusted in the voting places. The military should guard the doors of the voting places and allow only republicans to work in the precincts to protect the voting machines from tapering by the demoncrats. It's impossible for a fair and true election as long as there is one or more demoncrats working in the precincts. Never, NEVER trust a demoncrat!