This is the generation we live in today, when there are a lot of people who do not respect authority.
In fact, they HATE authority and they hate everything that stands for good.
Let's be very clear. I stand with the Police in the USA and I stand with our military.
If you do not stand with them, then you and I do not stand in unity.
Obama admin helps Muslims win big religious liberty lawsuit; why not Christian bakers?
Who his loyalty belongs to is very clear.
China furious after US Navy destroyer passes disputed islands in S. China Sea.
Cuban Alliance with Russia Highlights Moscow’s Influence in Latin America.
It's very clear that Cuba will help Russia with their invasion of USA.
We do not have to be a Prophet of GOD to see these things. The handwriting is on the wall. Just open your eyes and see.
Deer Scores on the the Soccer field!
‘The View’ Calls Ben Carson ‘Pathetic,’ ‘Despicable’ for Abortion Comments.
Whoopi Goldberg and the other Jezebel demoncrats on the View are teaching this generation to disrespect and hate those who stand for righteousness. Hollywood is demonic.
Dick Van Dyke Lauds Bernie Sanders, Complains People Call Him 'Socialist'.
Yes, even our childhood idols of Hollywood are satanic. Television is of the devil. Period. Although "it's all in how you use it", the invention itself was for the purpose of destorying the end time generation. I cannot continue to make excuses and accept everyone else's excuses. The fact is that all of the old "good" programming was all preparation work for the hardcore stuff they are showing on television now. They had to get us addicted to the lighter stuff before delivering the heavier stuff to us in the end. They had it all planned. They gave us idols such as Dick Van Dyke, Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore, Star Trek and Whoopi Goldberg and a million others who a lot of people still hold very deep and dear to their hearts. It's hard to let go of all our television gods and goddesses. Thank JEsus that a day is coming when there will no longer be ANY televisions. There will be nothing in The Kingdom that defiles and profanes. By the way, I recently saw someone with a bumper sticker in support of Bernie Sanders for President. I was flabbergasted! I could NOT believe that there was someone so stupid as to actually vote for him! Amazing how wicked this nation has become!
PVC Pipe Fishing. Video. 5 Minutes
FACT: Abortion Stops a Beating Heart.
Abortion is Murder of a Human being.
Anyone who supports Abortion OR who supports Obama or any other demoncrat, you MUST repent of your part/endorsement of murder of millions of innocent babies! If you support Obama or the demoncrat party, YOU are guilty of Murder. And therefore you cannot and willnot ever enter the Fullness of The Kingdom of GOD until you repent and denounce abortion and the demoncrat party. Period. The Truth is the Truth and I will NOT keep my mouth shut when there are billions of people who THINK they are Saved yet they are just as lost as Hitler was. I have been very vocal against the demoncrats for years and I will not stop now.
The Walking Blind:
While I was in town today, I noticed how the people were walking and acting. They were about their normal business and planning for 20-80 years from now. They were planning and preparing how to be financially secure many decades from now. They had NO IDEAL that they were wasting their time and money. Wow, if they knew that they were WASTING money, they would not be doing it, as they were trying to MAKE more money. They had no ideal that 10-80 years from there, there will be NO United States of America, no electric bills, no health insurance, no medical bills. They also had no ideal that pretty soon, there will be Russian and Chinese Jets, Tanks, Missiles and troops inside the USA, enforcing the end time empire of the Son of Perdition (the one called Antichrist). They had no ideal that right now their top priorities should be seeking JE-sus Christ and HIS Truth and HIS Spirit as well as preparing for the Great Tribulation. Their college degrees are not going to be very useful during that time. They were walking around as if NOTHING was ever going to happen to America and life as we know it today would never change. They were TOTALLY IGNORANT AND BLIND to the impending Great Tribulation. It was very sad to see them in that state of gullible blindness and arrogance. I felt very sorry for them. I would that they could know and understand. The only thing I can do is to continue everything that I am already doing. Broadcasting on the radio, making and distributing flyers, encouraging others to distribute flyers, share information on the internet, etc etc etc. I have been blowing the Trumpet ever since 2006 and especially since 2008. That's not a long time, but there are many others also blowing the Trumpet and there were many before us. JEsus has been warning this nation for a long time. HE has sent prophet after prophet, after prophet. Dream after Dream. Vision after Vision. Warning after Warning. Yet the majority of the people are more blind now than ever before. So it is NOT HIS Fault that the people are blind. HE wants everyone to see and understand. But the people have chosen to listen instead to Hollywood and the false prophets of Peace such as Joel Osteen. So what happens, Happens. JEsus cannot and will NOT hold back forever. Judgment MUST Come. We NEED it.