Just because they claim responsibility doesn't automatically mean that it's true. We will be keeping a watch on any upcoming facts and evidence.
Change in Time for Online Services
Weekly Sabbath Services online will now be changed to 12 pm NOON Eastern Time, effective immediately.
This is to allow the Pastor to get back to the homestead before dark. This will also help others in the future to get back to their homesteads before dark as well. All broadcasts will continue to be available 24/7 in the archives.
Fore more information, please visit this link:
Prayer Request:
Please pray that The Father in JEsus Name will send new/more Laborers into the Fields, as the Harvest is ripe. We NEED More Pastors to stand up and take their place and fulfill their calling. We need men who will sacrifice everything to serve the people.
And Please pray for me, with many unspoken prayer requests, JEsus Knows.
I confess that I am in EXTREME need of prayer at this time. I am extremely weary, burdened, afflicted & oppressed at this time. My heart, mind and soul is extremely heavy.