(12th New Moon Feb. 12, 2021)
These are only very brief notes to help people remember later (& study later) what is taught.
It also helps people in other nations who are not good at English, to understand what's being taught.
The actual sermon will have many additional statements & edifications. I won't follow these notes 100% as I preach, but rather will follow the leading of The Holy Ghost of Jesus.
James 2:14-26 Faith without works is dead, being alone.
Such a fundamental foundation truth, yet totally neglected by most of Babylon.
Faith without works is not salvation. We are required to bear fruit (John 15) which requires actions/works, do's and don'ts.
Clothed with Righteousness: She prepared herself without spot, righteous works white robes.
More popular verse: (While completely ignoring James.)
Eph. 2:8-9 Not saved by works, so that no man may boost.
See context in verse 1-5! We are NOT saved by works when we first decide to follow Jesus, because at that point of time, we were sinners who needed mercy, grace & forgiveness.
But once we are saved, we must become worthy of our calling.
Once we are selected for the team/army, we must prove our ability to endure and to work and to take care of each other. A soldier that will not be a team member will not graduate the military. A soldier that doesn't learn and grow and show improvement will not graduate (be able to stay past boot camp.)
1 John 2:1-6 Cannot claim that we know Him if we do not keep His Commandments, including cleaning up our lives.
Matt.25:31-46 On Judgment Day, we will be judged by what we did and did not do. This is a perfect example of required works, based upon which we can keep or lose salvation. These works show our Love for our fellow human beings, which is the foundation to the last 6 commandments of the 10 Commandments.
Without works, our salvation will fade away.
Rev. 19:8 "dressed in fine linen", which will not be real, physical, literal robes, but rather our works.
Babylonian churches such as the fake "Baptist" churches, teach that obedience to GOD and works compete against The Blood of Jesus and make His Blood of no effect. But they ignore the context of Ephesians 2 and they ignore Matt.25, Rev. 19, James 2, 1 John 2 and the entire 10 Commandments and many other bible verses.
Works and obedience are absolutely required for entrance into the fullness of GOD's Kingdom; and also for the 1st Resurrection. John 15 even tells us that we must also have good fruits of our works.
If we never do any work, we'll never bear any good fruit.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/12-feb-2021-no-final-salvation-without-works