Are you ready to change your clock?
Are the digital signal communicators already in your home which will be used to sound the call for islamic prayer 5 times per day? Assad will change times and laws concerning the time zones worldwide.
False prophet Kenneth Copeland says Ted Cruz appointed by God to be the next president. Look at this "man's" eyes & face! Listen to his voice. If you cannot see/hear the devil, or a devil, PLEASE get down on your knees and ask JE-sus to give you discernment!
And the more that I see and read about Ted Cruz, the more I discern intense evil upon him as well. The fact that Copeland, or whoever he really is, is endorsing Cruz speaks volumes!
Cruz & Trump will NEVER be President. Copeland is just leading the gullible people in a delusion to distract them from what's really going on. The Communist Nazi Islamic (666) New World Order has already conquered America and are preparing for Biden & Clinton as their next presidents. Nevertheless, King JE-sus is in Control and all of this is in HIS Plans. Amen.
President of Brazil, friend of Obama, Under Threat of Impeachment