U.S. plans to publicly blame Iran for dam cyber breach
Learn about the Prophecy that JEsus gave me about future dam events
McDonald’s ad in Taiwan promotes homosexuality
Hillsong church, which accepts homosexuality, partners with TBN for a new 24 television network
University of North Carolina Students told: ‘If you’re Christian, confess to be atheist; If you’re straight, confess to be gay’
Alpha Omega Bible Update:
I have decided to continue to translate the Bible until I can no longer do so. I am currently working on Luke.
I will NOT be printing any updates and additions to what I have already published in the latest print edition.
I will NOT be sending any printed inserts for Luke and beyond.
Luke and all future translated books will be available only online, each one as I finish them.
If time permits, then I will try to make a final printed edition only after it is clear that I cannot translate any more due to time or other reason. The current printed edition includes only Genesis, Exodus, Micah, John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John & Revelation.
The reason that I have decided to continue to translate is that I cannot hold back what JE-sus shows me. It is difficult to share everything that HE shows me. There is not any other written format where I can effectively share the correct understanding of every verse in an organized way. I must share the correct rendering & understanding of all doctrine for the edification & help of The Church/Ekklesia. It is a fearful thing to translate many books of the bible, even one book. But neither can I hide the truth and understanding which HE gives. I really have no choice, other than, share or hinder The Truth. I choose to share. I appreacite your prayers as I take on more of this fearful endeavor. But I am also excited & edified greatly myself, as I learn MUCH MORE as I translate, then pass it onto you. JE-sus Bless all those who accept His Revelations. In JE-sus Name.
Miracle Update on James Jr.
On Jan.30, 2016, I asked our newsletter members to please pray for James Jr., a 15 year old young man in Colorado who had a bicycle wreck who had severe brain injury and had brain surgery. After that online request, I was later notified that he no longer had ANY brain function or electrical signals or brain activity. He was basically brain dead. They took him off of life support but he continued to breathe on his own. Today, I received an update from his grandmother who lives locally here in Tennessee, that now he can move the arms and legs on one side of his body. He is responding accurately to questions by winking his eyes one wink, two winks for yes and no! They are moving him to a Rehab center.
Wow! Praise JE-sus!
NOTHING is too hard for Him!
NOTHING is impossible for Him!
All Things Are Possible with JE-sus!
Thank you to all those who prayed and are praying. Please continue to pray and also for the salvation of his dad. Thanks! Praise JEsus!