Massive Iranian Missile Buildup Sparks Fear of 'Second Holocaust'
Florida Governor Signs Gun Control Measures Into Law
Former Syrian general: Hezbollah Is In Possession Of Chemical Weapons
Trump Creates Prison Reform Council
Rand Paul's Democrat Neighbor Pleads Guilty to Assaulting the Lawmaker
Harvard to 'Blacklist' Single-Gender Social Groups
Won't allow men's groups and women's groups.
Democrat Congressman Rep. Andre Carson Admits to Meeting With Farrakhan, Doesn't Condemn Him
US Grand Jury Indicts 7 Ghanaians For Romance Scam, Money Laundering
Zimbabwe: Army Questions Mugabe Staff
Mugabe should be held in military prison, without visitors, for the rest of his life.
He shouldn't be allowed to form a rebel government.
The Way to Consider Dreams & Visions
1. Ask is there any bible verse or true doctrine that proves the dream is false?
2. Who had the dream? An evil person? A true follower of Jesus? A person that is deceiving people about doctrine?
JESUS can give true dreams to people who are not yet completely true followers. As a warning to repent. And as a warning of events to come.
But I would not trust a dream/vision of a person who is a leader of Babylon, or who is publicly promoting a leader of Babylon.
Therefore, we do not believe any dream/vision of pre-tribulation rapture, or hell, or heaven.
3. Discernment. We must be growing in discernment. Discernment is a powerful weapon against deception. We grow in discernment over time as we continue to follow JESUS.
4. If it passes test #1-3, then we pray about the dream and wait for reply from JESUS. The reply can come via/by the words we hear someone say in person, on radio, on television, in news, in book, in bible, in our mind/heart, in a song, etc. Use wisdom & discernment about whether this was a true reply, or just coincidence or something else.
5. If necessary, and 1-4 is not enough, then fast about it. Continue to pray and seek truth and seek discernment and seek reply. Listen and observe for reply.
6. Did the person repeat same dream? OR did another person have same dream? Of course, this alone does NOT prove the dream is true. And it also is NOT needed to prove the dream. A person can have a true dream only once. Repeat is not necessary. BUT a repeat dream can help confirm. And a dream of another person can help confirm. Repeat dreams and dreams of another person should at least be considered if it also passes test #1-3. Number 6 alone is not enough proof. It must also pass test #1-3.