Short notes.
It's important to listen to the sermon audio to get the full context of everything listed here.
John 13:34-35 Compare to the following:
1 John 2:3-15
7-8 Verse 7 says it's not a new commandment. Verse 8 says that it is. These are not contradictions. It's not a new commandment and it says so. But it's new in the sense that Jesus commanded the New Covenant church to take the love deeper.
(Leviticus 19:18 Love was always God's commandment.)
All of God's commandments are based upon love. Love toward Him and love toward people.
Explained in 1 John 3:10-18
Comparison of children of God and children of the devil. We are not all brothers.
All of these verses are specific to deep love and commitment to true brothers and sisters within the true church.
Verse 16 declares that even as Jesus laid down his own life for us, we should also do for each other if it became necessary.
John 15:12-14 No greater love than to die for another person.
Matthew 12:46-50 Who is my true brother and mother?
22:33-40 Love your neighbor as yourself.
On these 2 commandments hang the entire law = means not done away, but rather supported and upheld.
But “brother” in John 13 and 1 John 3 are more intimate words/connection/relationship. Even deeper love than neighbor.
Luke 14:26 Must be willing to forsake anyone/anything for Jesus and our true spiritual family. The church is the body of Christ. We must recognize that when we join into Jesus, we join into his true church. You can't have one without the other.
John 13:34, 14-17 Passover foot washing shows deep, intimate commitment.
Conclusion: Loving each other is not a new commandment. But Jesus was telling us that we must love our true spiritual family much deeper than what the people of the world love their physical families. We must be willing to die for other true church members (the brotherhood), even as a gang member would.
Although some people would find these words upsetting or too radical, any of us, even lost people, should be willing to protect and serve their fellow human brothers/sisters and give their life if necessary. I would for a complete stranger as long as they weren't obviously a son of Satan, wearing 666, etc.
But when we are talking about true Christians, true brothers/sisters, so much more so!
In the Great Tribulation, some Christians will be tortured for information about each other. We must not give information that would cause harm to our brothers/sisters.
Reminder: Worship services February 21 Tuesday for the 1st day of the 12th biblical month.
Full sermon audio: