He had triple bypass heart surgery which went well. Recovery will take long time. Sister Kiki is thankful for your prayers.
Thousands Of Muslims Flock To Jerusalem Holy Site
Muslims STILL NOT HAPPY After Metal Detectors Removed. You can NEVER make a muslim happy. They are only interested in hatred, angry, revenge and the death and destruction of everything good.
Trump Proclaims July 27 National Korean War Veterans Day
New Discovery Confirms The Biblical Account Of The Babylonian Conquest Of First Temple Period
Bible Verse Relocated In Knoxville Tennessee Police Department Due to Atheist Threats
It should not be removed at all.
Sign the petition to keep the plaque
UK Muslim Gang Rampaged Streets To Attack White 'Non-Muslims'
Mosque Defends Imam: He Meant 'Destroy' Jews, Not 'Annihilate' Them
Judge Rules USA Government Officials Do NOT Have Any Right To Block or Delete Anyone From Social Media
This is stupid, because a main part of social media is the ability to delete comments, block people, etc. To say that a government official MUST allow EVERYONE to say anything as much as they wish without ability to block, would be the same as to say that a protestor can come into the White House or other government building and go into any room and say anything they want inside the president's office and stay as long as they want, even 24/7 and never be removed by the police or secret service. Our rights ARE limited and should be! Social media INCLUDES the ability to remove trouble makers and that's good and nothing wrong with it! There must be a limit to anything.