Albert in S. Africa: Prayer for deliverance, cleansing and purity.
Trump Stops To Put On Marine's Hat That Blew Away
Retrieves it twice! Obama would have NEVER done this. What a great president!
North Korean Long Range Missile Could Avoid USA Interceptor And Launch Multiple Warheads
Pope Says America Has 'Distorted Vision of World'
This is his way of supporting the coming Russian, Chinese invasion of USA.
CNN Hires Pro-Syrian Al-Qaeda Propagandist, Erases Him From Credits: Video
71 Lost Dogs At San Diego Shelters Due to Fireworks
Those poor dogs. This is additional proof that fireworks is stupid and we should not be supporting such ludicrous spectacles of waste.
Fox News Tucker Carlson Exposes The Incredible Wealth And Possible Corruption Of Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Video)
Homosexuality Acceptance Panel to Be Hosted at Virginia Public Schools
Pure Flix Gives $25,000 to Rebuild Ten Commandments Monument Destroyed in Arkansas
New Article:
Impossible To Eventually Know The Date of Jesus Coming REFUTED
Don't judge this article without reading it!
Korean War Revelation
Korean war can NOT begin until middle east war first. The Gog Magog war between Russia, China and USA cannot begin in Korea. It MUST begin in Syria and Israel.
If Korean war starts first, then Russia and China will get into war with USA BEFORE Syria. That's impossible. It MUST start with Syria first.
- We will see ships and military movement toward Syria. Daniel 11:40
- We will see USA directly attack Assad. Dan.11:40 Isa.7:8;17:1 Rev.13:3 (War actually begins here, but not the invasions of Israel & American allies YET.)
- Strong Delusion of Fake Coming of Jesus. This is the Abomination of Desolation of Assad in the Seat of GOD in the Temple of GOD in Heaven. 2 Thes. 2:1-12 Matt.24:15 Dan.12:1
- 30 days of Fleeing begins. Daniel 12:6-12 Matt.24:16 Rev.12:13-17
- Jerusalem/Israel surrounded with gentile armies. Luke 21:20
- Gog Magog War WW3= Syria, Iran, Russia, China, N. Korea INVADE Israel, USA, Europe, British Commonwealth, American allies, S. Korea, Egypt. Ezek.38 Rev.11:2 Dan. 11:40-42