Please pray for Sister Lisa whose beloved cat passed away the other day. Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks.
Assad DIRECTLY Linked To Syrian Chemical Attacks For First Time
Turkey Hints That A Nation Was Behind Mass Shooting in Istanbul
Will they say it was the Americans or NATO or Israel? OR isis? OR Assad?
Was it a "False Flag" which means something that Turkey did in order to blame USA?
Hundreds of U.S. Marines land in Norway, irking Russia
Will Trump withdraw them?
U.S. Troops Move To Poland Unnerves Kremlin
Not A True Withdrawal. Russia To Upgrade Its Naval, Air Bases In Syria
Japan And Australia Agree To Strengthen Defense Ties Against China
YouTube Removes Popular Conservative 'Legal Insurrection' Channel
I don't know anything about this specific YouTube channel. Some times YouTube does rightfully remove "conservative" channels because of true hate speech. But other times, they remove GOOD righteous channels that are just telling the truth. I do not know which is true in this situation.
New Reality Television Show In Australia Has Strangers Strip Off, Jump Into Bed Together
Trump Threatens German Car Makers With 35 Percent U.S. Import Tariff
This would be so wonderful for American jobs if he actually does this! But will also cause intense hatred by Germany whose president is extremely wicked, so just another good reason to do it anyway and save American jobs! Stop appeasing wicked people & wicked nations, even if it means that they will come fight us! PERHAPS JEsus wants us to see that when the world has become so accustomed to wickedness, that IF HE were to bring in someone who actually does things in righteousness, that the world will revolt with great anger!
How Hot Chili Peppers Could Help You Live Longer
This is actually true with any type of peppers. I make my own hot sauce & put it on almost everything I eat. It's NOT hot & actually just enhances the flavors & helps promote good health.
Christian Movie Review
"Solomon", made in 1997, starring Ben Cross. Directed by Roger Young.
"Solomon" was really a good movie, BUT they made a major claim that he married the Queen of Sheba which the bible doesn't say and I do not see any proof that it happened. Plus, I would not advise for people under 13 to watch this movie. It's too sexual for people under 13 in my opinion. Some people would say 16, but I don't think that we should baby our teenagers too much. They know about sex whether we want them to or not. It's not overly sexual for a truly mature, not overly legalistic Christian adult, with no young children in the house. It is a Christian movie, rated PG-13 which I agree with the rating. It teaches several really good lessons and overall I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to ANY person who thinks that it's acceptable to coexist with false religions, or to marry or date people who have false religion, or even just for a truly mature Christian adult who is not too legalistic. Wow, Solomon sure acted like a demoncrat in this movie! It's around 3 hrs long, but a good movie. Just be careful about fully believing what happened with Queen Sheba. MOST Christian movies add non-scriptual details. So I would only recommend "Christian" movies to truly mature Christians anyway! Always go to the bible to double check the details that you are not sure about. I would give this movie a 7 out of 10. I don't regret watching it.
These News Stories point to the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy and the Soon Return of JE-sus The Christ after the Great Tribulation. They confirm the Revelations of JE-sus Christ as revealed to I Saw The Light Ministries and many others around the world.