This is one of those local temporary price wars. However, the fact that gas CAN be sold under a dollar, shows that the economy is crashing, which is the LEAST of our concerns. But nevertheless, important to understand.
Medicine is NOT Sorcery/witchcraft.
Medicine is a GIFT OF JESUS CHRIST. Modern medicine has helped millions of people! And I am one of them. I thank JESUS for saving my physical life multiple times via the wisdom that HE gave to mankind.
The internet doctrine that claims that medicine is sorcery is a WRONG interpretation of the Scriptures and is legalism and bondage and the spirit of condemnation.
Church Buildings are NECESSARY.
House churches and outdoor churches are a hindrance to evangelism of the Gospel in our current time frame. I repent of hindering the Gospel by my former promotion of house/outdoor gatherings over and above real Houses of JEsus Christ where the general public can freely attend and hear the Gospel.