John 10:22-42
Of course not in the same sense that GOD is GOD. HE is the Creator, the Master of the entire universe. HE is THE Alpha & Omega. So we are NOT Gods in the same way as HE is THE ONE GOD. But nevertheless, we are smaller gods. We are His Children. Children of dogs are puppies. Children of cats are kittens. Cows give birth to calves/cows. Birds to birds. Therefore if we are children of THE GOD, we are gods. That's what the bible and Jesus says. That's not my opinion.
If we try to claim that it doesn't mean what it says, then we must also say that Jesus is not GOD because it's the same word as what the bible uses to say that Jesus is GOD.
Antiochus Epiphanes' name means “God manifest.” During Hanukkah, Jesus claimed that He Himself was GOD. Very significant date to say that!
-We are His Bride.
Doesn't a cow and bull get together with their same species?
Doesn't all species stay within their own species?
THE ONE GOD would also marry His Own Species.
-We are His Body.
Is the body of Christ NOT the same species as the Head of the body?
Can we say that our head is human, but our feet & hands are animals?
If our head/Christ is GOD, then our bodies are also Christ's body, thus declaring that we are part of Him, and we are in GOD, as GOD is in us also, even as Christ said.
Psalm 82 He stood in the midst of the Jewish rulers in John 10 also.
The lights on the menorah represent us, as the 7 church eras in Rev. 1-3.
GOD is Light. We are lights. These lights represent us as being lights, not just flesh.
Romans 8, we shall inherit the universe.
Dan.12:2-3 We shall shine like the stars.
-Matt.24 Jesus tells us to watch for the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Dan.12.
That's going to be in our time. But the last one that had occurred when Jesus said this, was the one that was committed by Antiochus!
Fruit of this teaching if kept in the perfect truth & not corrupted = Power over demons, the wicked & sickness. A stronger, better church, with stronger people.