U.S. President Barack Obama arrives in London on April 21
Temple of Baal Archway way on display in London April 19-21
Queen's 90th b-day was April 21
April 19th is also known as “the Feast of Moloch”.
April 19, 1993 Waco Texas Massacre of David Koresh and over 200 men, women, and children.
April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing.
April 20, 1999 Columbine High School shooting.
April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech Massacre.
April 16, 2013 – Boston Marathon Explosions.
April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig/Drill Gulf of Mexico Explosion.
I do not believe any of this to be coincidence. These events were very real. Real humans died and were sacrificed to the devil.
I believe that Obama & the Queen are up to evil.
Blood Moons of 2015 Marked the Exact Times & Dates of Jesus's Birth & Death
Jesus was buried at 3 am Israel Time & Rose from the Tomb at 3 am, 3 nights later.
Today was the Anniversary of His Death.
This year anniversary times:
Jesus died over 2,000 years ago at 8 am Eastern Time this morning. 7 am Central. 5 am Pacific. 3pm Israel.
Jesus was buried in the tomb at 8 pm Eastern tonight. 7 pm Central. 5 pm Pacific. 3 am Israel.
Jesus was Resurrected 8 pm Eastern April 25th Monday night.
7pm Central. 5pm Pacific. 3 am Israel.
It would not have been a Monday night nor "April 25" 2,000 years ago. We are only going by GOD's Created Calendar, not the Roman calendar. We are going by the date of eating Passover on the 14th of the 1st month as required by Scripture and as it says that HE did so with His Disciples. HE died the next day on the 15th when the Pharisees kept the Passover on the wrong date as recorded in history. His body was not removed until after sunset according to the Scriptures. It took several hours to prepare His Body with spices. He was buried 12 hours after death. He died at 3 pm Israel. He was buried at 3 am Israel. HE was in the tomb 72 hours. Was dead 3.5 days as witnessed by the Two Witnesses time of death and resurrection. See this article for more details and proof.