Assad's Forces Launch New Syrian Air Strikes Against Civilians Bringing Death Total To 527 Including 129 Children Despite UN Call For Ceasefire
Damascus is being pounded flat in a partial fulfillment of the deadly head wound of Rev.13.
It will be completely fulfilled when USA/NATO directly attacks Assad soon between now and March 31.
Health Workers Report Chlorine Gas Symptoms After Damascus Bombing
March 1, 2018 Prophecy Update:
I have noticed at least one person who is claiming that a pre-trib rapture will occur on March 1.
And I also discovered that there was some preacher somewhere that said that when Billy Graham dies, that a pre-trib rapture would occur VERY soon after.
Both of these reports help to confirm the prophecy of a FAKE Coming of Jesus on March 1-2, 2018 on Purim. This will be the fulfillment of the Strong Delusion of 2 Thes.2 and the Abomination of Desolation of Matt.24:15 and Dan.12.
Millions to Billions of people will worship Assad as god as he appears in the sky, in Heaven during the Rev.12 war in Heaven.
Do NOT worship him! He is NOT JEsus. HE is NOT GOD. He is a demon.
When the true Jesus comes, HE will be riding a white horse, and his saints will be returning with him, all on white horses also. And HE will come with lots of angels. And HE cannot come until all 7 seals and all 7 trumpets are fulfilled. And they have NOT yet all been fulfilled. The 6th seal will be opened on Pentecost of 2020 and will include the darkness of the sun and moon and a red bloody appearance of the sun and moon, and a great meteor shower.
Proof There is NO Such Thing as a Pre-Trib Rapture