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Purpose of Turtle Picture
The other day, I posted that I saw a image/picture of a turtle in the sky and I felt that this was JEsus reminding me of when HE told me to tell the people to prepare NOW instead of waiting until the last minute. In the fable of the turtle or snail, and the rabbit, the rabbit thought that he could just sleep and then run across the finish line at the last minute because the turtle or snail was so slow. But the turtle/snail kept going constantly. The rabbit overslept and when he woke up, the turtle had already finished the race and won. Many people today think that they can just wait until the last minute to get supplies when a major emergency hits. But then, the shelves will be empty, and the prices will be much more expensive. Recently, I started playing a game called "SimCity Build it". Normally, I avoid most video games because most of them these days are violent and satanic. But this is just a game of building a city. I have to plan, save money and supplies to build an entire city in the game. I have to build electric plants, water, sewage, schools, police, fire, etc. It's very realistic in many ways. Recently, I also joined a small club of only 22 other people in the game to do trading with. It's a Christian club. There are MANY thousands of various clubs in the game, but you can only join one club with the max limit of 25 people. Without me knowing this in advance, the owner of the club that I joined is from Korea! That's amazing since JEsus has connected me with Korea recently. Again, there are thousands of small clubs of just 25 people each, so for me to "accidentally" join THE Christian club that is owned by someone is Korea is NOT coincidence. Plus, one of the other members is going by a name similar to "OnlyJesusName"! Then the other day, one of my buildings in my city in the game unexpectedly got majorly expanded. All of a sudden, the building increased in size & height. It became the tallest building in the city. On top of this skyscraper, is the image of a turtle, facing the same direction as the turtle in the cloud that JEsus showed me years ago. The point/purpose of this turtle building is that you must have specific supplies already in stock in the storage building, or else make them or buy them before the deadline. Currently, It's the ONLY building in my city with a deadline, other than the cargo ship dock. Therefore this turtle building as the SAME purpose as what JEsus was telling me to tell the people: Get your supplies in stock before the deadline! There are 3 phrases of this building, with 3 deadlines. I have been telling people ever since 2008 to get their supplies ready and to learn their survival skills, etc. Very few people have heeded The Word of JEsus. I'm just a messenger. It's JEsus who is telling the people to prepare, even as it was also JEsus who gave the dream of 7 years of famine in Joseph's lifetime and Joseph prepared for all of the people. Noah also prepared. The only people who think they shouldn't prepare are people who are deceived into thinking that they will not be on Earth during the Great Tribulation, and the people who think that major events can never happen to them, and people who think that GOD is going to rain down manna from Heaven over their house. Another part of this message from JEsus is that we must be willing to eat turtle, rabbit, groundhogs, pork and other animals that was previously considered spiritually/ceremonially unclean during the Old Covenant. During The Day of The LORD (Great Tribulation), food is going to be very scarce/rare to find. Most of it will be limited to the military invaders. Many people will be in the woods hunting for food. IF there are any stores or food distribution centers, everything will be marked with the Islamic Sharia Law "Halal" Mark. Partaking of that marked food shows your compromise with islamic sharia law and is a way of spiritually taking 666 in your forehead and hand. To receive food, you might have to verbally or in writing, declare that you accept and worship Bashar Assad is the GOD above all gods, further taking the mark in your forehead and hand. Just eating weeds, grass, plants & trees will NOT be sufficient to survive and stay healthy. You are going to need carbs, calories and some fats to sustain your physical body. If we deny that JEsus cleanse all animal meats, then we also deny The Power of JEsus Christ, and the Power of His Blood. JEsus is sending manna from Heaven in the form of providing so many different types of animal meats that the muslims & followers of Assad REFUSE to eat! We should gratefully receive this blessing of food. Men need to learn NOW how to hunt these foods, and women need to learn NOW how to cook these foods. If you are single, or do not have one of the other genders in your household, then you need to learn and pratice how to do both. Not being able to afford to prepare is a very poor excuse. I believe that especially in the USA, that all people can afford to prepare EVEN if it's just one can of extra food put into a storage box each month. Bring your 2-5 fish and allow JEsus to multiply it. But to NOT bring ANYTHING to the table when JEsus is instructing us to prepare NOW, is irresponsible & foolish. Many people who claim that they cannot afford to prepare, evidently have the money to blow on candy, movie tickets, pot, cigarettes, nightclubs, bars, soda drinks, pizza, flat screen televisions, extra computers, and more, BUT NOT on obeying JEsus and NOT on giving HIM just a tiny 10% of HIS money toward The Work of The Kingdom. There IS a day of reckoning coming and all of the laughing mockers will be silenced. Actually, their laughter will be turned to wailing and mourning. We don't know for sure what day, what week, what month or even what year that everything is going to break loose. But if you had listened to JEsus the very first time that HE instructed you to prepare, then you WILL be much more prepared than the majority of people on the Earth. It's time to stop delaying and start preparing. All of this in JEsus Name.