Burger King Franchise Owner, Janif Mohammed, Fires Employee of 24 Years For "Stealing" One Order of French Fries
Employee wins $46 million law suit.
The Washington Post Actually Takes Russian Government Money
White House Fires Senior NSC Aide for Betrayal
Good for Trump! Fire all those back stabbers!
Omar Ahmad Rahman, "Blind Sheik" Suspected In World Trade Center Bombing, Dead At 78
Norma Mccorvey, "Jane Roe" In Roe V. Wade Abortion Case, Dead At 69
Fathers Who Hug Their Babies Have A Better Bond
Hormones given to dads that don't.
Intolerant, Nazi Leftists On Social Media Tore Into First Lady Melania Trump, Mocking Her Accent And Religion And Branding Her Everything From A Hostage To A Whore – All For The Secular Offense Of Reciting “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Watch This Short Speech By First Lady Mrs. Trump
Staten Island, New York Student Gets Lower Grade Because She Didn’t Bash Trump
Reminder From JEsus About Meats
Several years ago, I looked up and saw a cloud very low in the sky. It was in the PERFECT shape of a snail. It did NOT take ANY imagination. It was a perfect picture of a snail with ALL of the details. Then it turned into a turtle. Again, it didn't take ANY imagination. This was not a cloud where one person could imagine a shape and other people cannot. If there had been a million people present standing beside of me, absolutely 100% of the one million people would have also said that it was a PERFECT snail and then perfect turtle. And then it turned back into the snail. This was NOT any coincidence, nor without meaning, as I had been asking JEsus "Should I tell people the story of the snail or turtle, and the rabbit?" JEsus was saying "YES!" This was in connection to two things: Telling the people to prepare NOW rather than to wait until the last minute. AND whether JEsus truly cleansed the unclean meats. Today, in an image, (not a vision) I see a turtle in the sky and it's facing the same direction as the cloud that JEsus showed me years ago. Therefore, I believe that JEsus has reminded me of the cloud in the sky so that I can also remind you, as well as to tell people who might not have heard this before. Please visit
2 Thes.2 is extremely clear that JEsus will NOT come until AFTER the Son of Perdition (what people call "the antichrist") will appear FIRST, displaying himself in the Temple of GOD, as if he were GOD. That event of the Strong Delusion MUST occur in the sky! Over the centuries, many people have claimed to be GOD. Even in our current time, there are several men upon the Earth that claim to be GOD and have thousands of followers. But the Strong Delusion in 2 Thes. 2 is much more powerful and worldwide. Rev.13:8 proclaims that everyone on Earth (except the true Saints) WILL worship the Son of Perdition as GOD. This will be MUCH more than a man standing on the temple mount. A man standing on the temple mount can only gain thousands of followers, but not the entire world. The bible says that he will sit in the seat of GOD in the temple of GOD. There is no such seat of GOD or temple of GOD on the Earth. NO such temple will be built in the Great Tribulation, nor before then. There is not any verse in the bible that proclaims a rebuilding of a temple on Earth. Any temple made by man that includes animal sacrifices CANNOT be called by Scripture "The Temple of GOD", because animal sacrifices are completely contrary to The Blood of JEsus, and GOD would NOT claim such temple, and therefore could not be called the Temple of GOD. GOD would not have a seat in such temple. The Bible says in Rev.11:19 that the Temple of GOD is in Heaven. Millions of people have been brainwashed to believe that the sky will open before the Great Tribulation, and that it will be JEsus coming. But the purpose of the pre-trib rapture lie is that billions of people worldwide will worship Bashar Assad, the Assyrian of Isa.10 & Micah 5, as GOD when he appears in the sky. He is a fallen angel, an archangel of Satan. The books of Daniel, Ezekiel & Isaiah tells us that fallen angels have appeared as human kings before and will again in the Great Tribulation. This is one of the MOST urgent & important messages that I could possibly ever need to deliver to the people worldwide. I need your help in sharing this urgent information with everyone. Please send the information to ALL of your family, friends, facebook friends and everyone on your email address book. It may seem strange, but it's the absolute truth and is very clear in scripture. The people MUST be warned. For more information about the Strong Delusion, please see