Lorrie in California: for Deliverance from fear & depression.
Democrats Pass House Resolution Condemning Americans Who Speak Against Islam
"...the House resolution cannot be declared unconstitutional because it is a mere opinion expressed by members of the House. It does not carry the force of law. Therefore, it cannot be enforced or entered into the statutes, provided it survives, as a bill intended to become a law, vetting by the Senate, and is signed by the President."
-- The end of the article clarifies the status of this resolution. Thank JEsus!
However, this continues to show the push of the Islamic Mark of the Beast.
11 Die in Texas Tornadoes
Same Texas Storm System to bring 15 inches of Snow to other part of state
5 Groups of Christians In The Great Tribulation:
Group #1: The Saints That Die During the Great Tribulation for Their Witness/Testimony For JE-sus.
Rev.6:9-11 Rev.12:7-17 Rev.13:7-10 Rev.14:9-13 Rev.20:1-6 Daniel 7:21 Daniel 11:29-12:1
Group #2: The Saints That Will Be Thrown into the Fiery Furnace of Great Tribulation But Survive.
Matthew 10:16-42 and 1 Thes.4:13-18 Notice the word “remain” in verse 15 which means to survive or to make it through. Notice the words “alive and remain” in verse 17. Also 2 Thes.1:1-8 and 1 Peter 1:3-9 Rev.3:14-22 The Laodicean Church is the end time church time era. Rev.7:1-16
Group #3: The Saints Hidden on Earth & Protected by JE-sus in Goshen Cities of Refuge/Safety, The Wilderness.
Rev.12:13-16 Exodus 19:4 Isa.26:20-21 In Luke 21:34-36 we are told to pray that we may escape these things that are about to come upon the Earth. There are 2 ways of escape. One being The End Time Great Exodus into the Wilderness. The other being death before the Great Tribulation. Isa.57:1-2
Group #4: The Weak, Immature Christians Who Will Die Because of their Compromise with Paganism, False Doctrines & their Personal Sins.
Ezekiel 9:1-11 and 1 Peter 4:12-19 Hebrews 10:26
Group #5: FALSE Christians who think they are Saved but are NOT.
Matthew 7:21-27 Matt.15:6-9 Rev.2:9 Rev.3:9 The ones who say they are Jews but are not, but are of the “Synagogue of Satan” has nothing to do with bloodline. These are false Christians. The Bible interprets itself and says that a true Jew is one inwardly, circumcised of the heart. Everyone who is a True Christian and has the Holy Spirit and is truly Saved, is a Spiritual Jew, A spiritual Israelite. Those that say they are Jew/Saved but are NOT, are false Christians. Romans 2:28-29 Romans 9:6-15 The fact that we are spiritual Jews has NOTHING to do with the antichrist religion of Judaism. We do NOT partake in Judaism which is a form of islam. Hebrew Roots and Judaism are forms of islam. See http://www.isawthelightministries.com/judaism.html
Hear All These Scriptures Expounded Upon and Preached in a 3 hour Sermon at http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/14366
For more information and more biblical proof that there will never be a pre-trib or mid-trib rapture, please see http://www.isawthelightministries.com/rapture.html
However, The Saints who are ready to be turned to Spirit, will be caught up into Heaven for only around 40-45 days for the Marriage Supper and to receive our white horses for the battle of Armageddon. Then we will come back to Earth, following Jesus, on that 1335th day of Daniel 12.
This is Post Tribulation/Pre-Wrath Catching Up. http://www.isawthelightministries.com/1335.html