in Las Vegas!
Two Related Events Occurred.
1. A woman mowed Down People on the Sidewalk Last Night At the Miss Universe Pageant.
A woman named "Lakeisha Holloway" used her car to run into over 30 people in the evening of Dec.20, 2015. At least one person died and others are in critical and serious conditions. Police are in a RUSH to say that they know for sure that it was not an act of terrorism. Yet we have not yet heard of any proof that it wasn't.
2. Meanwhile, inside the building, same location, Steve Harvey "accidently" crowned the winner up of the Miss. Universe Pageant instead of the actual winner. These pageants are wicked in the eyes of our Almighty Holy God. The only reason that I am sharing this news about the Miss. Universe Pageant is because there are prophetic meanings to this unusual occurrence. Especially since outside the building, a WOMAN ran her car onto the sidewalk and hurt over 30 people in this same location, same night. You know that the contestants have to walk a runway. Sidewalk. The sidewalk outside and the beauty pageant walkway inside the building are related. Same location. Same night. No coincidence.
The crash occurred in front of the PARIS Hotel & Casino and Planet Hollywood Las Vegas Resort (location of the Pageant). The location of PARIS (there is actually a replica of the Eiffle Tower at this location) reveals Islamic terrorism in the future, in Las Vegas, resulting in the crowning of a new leader. But the crown will go to the VP first ( winner up) and then to the actual new woman president! The Prophecy of the Dams that JE-sus gave me in 2008 will be fulfilled, partly in Las Vegas. Resulting in Biden receiving the crown but only for a moment in time, then Hillary will receive the crown as America's first woman president. Whether LAKEisha Holloway turns out to be muslim or not, the two events WERE related and Prophetic.
Bashar Assad, Yeshua, Makes Surprise Christmas Visit to Catholic Church.
Embraced with open arms.
"Yeshua" is a Syrian word that means "may his name be forgotten and wiped out of memory forever".
Therefore I apply that to Assad. May his name name be wiped out forever!
Bashar Assad will walk side by side with the TWO Popes and in agreement on celebrating Christmas, an ancient Assyrian pagan holiday.
Origin of "Ho Ho Ho", the famous words of satan claws.
NATO Commits to sending more Military Assets to Turkey
Miss Puerto Rico Suspended After Speaking Out Against Islam
Greece to Recognize Palestinian State
NJ Kohl’s Department Store Evacuated After Unknown Substance Sickens Shoppers
Iranian Hackers Infiltrated a Dam in New York In 2013
Billy Graham’s Muslims Are ‘Saved’ Remarks Revived After Son Franklin Opposes ‘Same God’ Professor
Tel Aviv declared 'Hollywood's new Sin City',7340,L-4741612,00.html
Vitamin D May Repair MS Nerve Damage
Christmas Article Completed Re-done & Edited for Clarity
Added to article about the False Prophet and the History of Man's Denominations
King Nebuchadnezzar's dad, Nabopolassar (Reigned 626-605 BC), was an official in the Assyrian Empire. There was political instability and thus there was a military coup and Nabopolassar overthrew the government and formed his own new empire which he called the "Babylon" Empire. The name changed but make no mistake about it, it was STILL an Assyrian empire.