Ephesians 4:17-24 Casting off the old self and futility of mind.
5:6-17 Rise from your spiritual sleep.
Change is part of maturing, which is something that adults must do, not just children, especially in this modern world.
Growing in Christ and as a person is extremely important.
James 1:22-24 Don't be like a person who looked in the mirror but forgot what he saw and didn't make any change. (Or changed worse rather than better.)
James 2:14-26 Be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.
This requires change. It's different from most Christians who only hear but do nothing.
To them, church is only entertainment, something to do.
Matthew 12:46-50 Who is my mother or brother, but he that does the will of my Father.
This requires a change of lifestyle of following our own will, to follow his will instead. But putting God first in all things. All things. All things!
Acts 2:37-38 Repent and be baptized.
Repentance is real change. Not just being sorry for what you did. Not just confessing. But changing.
John 4:21-24 The Father is seeking/searching for people who will worship Him in both Spirit and Truth. Not just one or the other, but both!
In spirit requires zeal/passion. Not complacency. Not as the lukewarm Laodiceans of Rev. 3.
Revelation 3:14-22 Lukewarm water is stationary, stagnant. Such water breeds bacteria.
Hot water in ancient times was moving water from a hot spring, or moving from being boiled or simmered. Hot water is usually clean.
People need to change from being lukewarm to being passionate about truth.
Not just about believing that they are saved. But about truth.
After reading Hebrews 4:9 "keeping of the Sabbath Day remains for the people of God", how can any traditional Sunday person continue to believe in Sunday churches and Sunday pastors?
There's no biblical change in the Sabbath. Therefore that makes all of those churches and those pastors and those congregations either ignorant of the bible, or else blatantly rebellious sinners. Either way, that's not acceptable.
Must also be willing to change to rest and worship on the true Sabbath day, in addition to stop going to the false sabbath and "no sabbath" churches.
Tithes: Same thing, must have faith to trust God to provide if we don't work on the Sabbath, and if we have God what He wants, the first in all things, even as Abraham did before and apart from Moses.
Halal Mark: After learning about it, a true Christian is not only willing, to actually passionate about boycotting marked products. Because a true Christian won't do anything to support Islam in any way, shape or form. No compromise!
A couple of months ago, I determined that I had clogged arteries. I made sufficient changes to improve this. I started walking very fast for a full mile on the tread mill every day to burn off excess calories and thin my blood and clear the arteries. Although in recent days, I have been slacking in using the tread mill, I have still remained very active while maintaining the changes that I had made in my diet.
I had stopped drinking as much sweet tea, and I had stopped eating as much processed meats.
And I plan on returning to the tread mill very soon, as well as getting outside more when possible, weather permitting. I had also increased intake of certain herbs and vitamins.
I was willing to make enough significant changes to completely reverse all of my symptoms.
The same is true about our spiritual health. What we allow in our ear gates and eye gates. Television evangelists and local traditional denominational preachers who are twist the word of God.
The blind leading the blind.
Shouldn't we want to see the truth?
Shouldn't we want to hear the truth?
Shouldn't we want teachers that know the truth and who accept it and teach it?
2 Timothy 4:1-5 People gather themselves to preachers who tickle their ears. Preachers who teach easy living. No sacrifice. No suffering. No offense. No disfellowshipping anyone.
No taking up the cross of death. No denying self. No forsaking anyone. The easy way. That's the broad way to destruction.
Revelation 18:4 says "Come out of her my people". That's not talking about leaving a city.
It's spiritual. It's talking about leaving false religion.
God requires change. Big change.
When the true God is introduced to you, you can't stay the same, if you truly care about salvation and what's true.
There's a phrase "anything worth having is worth fighting for".
Another phrase is "no pain, no gain".
Another phrase is "when things get tough, the tough get going".
Miracle Confirmation: This morning when I checked the audio of our 24/7 online broadcasting, the first thing I heard was "the changed person".
Full Sermon Audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/jan-21-2023-change-required
Reminder: Tomorrow, Sunday Jan. 22 is 11th New Moon.
Services at 11 a.m. Eastern Time.
Copyright 2023, I Saw The Light Ministries