June 4, 2022
James 5:13-15 If anyone is sick, let them call for the elders of the church to pray, but also to anoint them (with healing oils.)
Isa. 38:1-5 The true prophet Isaiah told king Hezekiah that he was going to die. But Hezekiah prayed and God decided to give him 15 more years. Isaiah's prophecy wasn't false, but rather God changed his mind, which shows that God does change his mind, even after a prophecy is declared by a faithful and true prophet.
Some times, we might not know of a person that has prayed and God changed his mind about a prophecy.
:21 God gave Isaiah knowledge of natural remedies, of which God blessed and used for Hezekiah's healing. God didn't just snap his fingers for the healing, but rather used herbal remedies.
Jer. 8:22 If there are balms (salves, plasters, natural herbs) and also doctors, why is the nation still sick? It's primarily talking spiritually. But it still shows God's acceptance and approval of people using natural remedies, but also medical doctors. There is a time when a medical doctor is absolutely necessary, for surgeries and diagnostic testing, and sometimes when herbs don't work (because of our lack of knowledge of herbs, or we waited too long to begin the natural remedies, or didn't use enough, which is extremely common.)
However, of course, in the context of our current situation where many doctors are condoning the use of the genocide vax, it's more important than ever before to first try prayer and natural remedies. That was always our policy and doctrine, even before the virus, but now even more so. But there are still times when doctors are necessary. Our policy on that also hasn't changed.
Our forefathers knew many ancient healing herbs and remedies. The commercial pharmaceutical industry, just like the electrical industry, technological industry, petroleum industry, automobile industry etc have all corrupted society and made society helpless, lazy, ignorant, and dependent upon the NWO.
Prov. 16:24 Good words are like honey, which is good for health. This shows that honey is good for our health.
Prov. 3:1-8 Obeying God and using wisdom and having mercy, are things that are good for your health.
Prov 17:22 Being glad/happy is good for our health. Anxiety = bad for health.
Sirach 38:1-15 Shows that God does approve of using doctors when necessary. But also shows that we should also use faith and natural remedies.
Reminder: Tomorrow, Sunday June 5 = Pentecost Services 11 a.m. Eastern Time.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/jun-04-2022-return-to-ancient-healing