February 21, 2023
12-14 days until Purim (March 6-7)
Colossians 2:16-18 holy days point to (fore-shadow) the future.
2 weeks to Purim. Purim pictures/foreshadows the coming Abomination of Desolation and the opening of the 5th seal and the manifestation of “the antichrist” publicly claiming himself to be God.
Matthew 24 Wars, etc but the end is not yet.
Those are foreshadowings which increase in intensity over the years until the actual main events occur.
Foreshadowings are trumpet calls to prepare.
Ezekiel 33 I am held responsible to blow the trumpet if I see the sword coming.
East Palestine, Ohio trail derailment and explosion.
Water poisoned throughout the south of that town.
The air: There was a major explosion that looked similar to a nuclear blast, so it is possible that the toxins were immediately spread for thousands of miles in the air, not just carried by wind to the east.
“East Palestine” = Nazi code word for Israel.
“White Noise” movie. 2022 Netflix.
“White noise” is sound that people embrace, like and get accustomed to. It drowns out something else, especially stress.
“Distracting commotion/disturbance or sound/chatter/talk”.
Something that is used to distract people from something less welcomed.
Train derailments and explosions occur all of the time, truly daily. But the amount of such is increased by the NWO. It's extremely difficult to be able to tell which ones have been caused by the NWO, and which ones are just normal, or by copycat criminals that want media/news attention.
But social chaos including multiple attacks on infrastructure nationwide has always been part of the Russian/Syrian/Iranian/Chinese/NWO/666 plan as one of the final events to occur before the actual invasion.
Other recent serious developments:
-Marjorie Green calling for national divorce (civil war).
-Russia sent nuclear capable ships into the Black Sea for the first time.
-Both Russia & China claiming that Biden ordered the explosion of the Russian Nord Stream oil pipeline.
-The Chinese spy balloon, or was it really weather balloons, or did it happen at all? Was it only propaganda, or white noise?
-The truth about the fake/toxic “vaccines”, becoming too much truth that the NWO could freak out and dramatically accelerate their plans for WW3, etc.
-Biden preparing to surrender American civil liberties to the Chinese WHO.
Although, I don't really believe that the Abomination of Desolation and the fulfillment of Purim will occur this year, it could, but I don't think so. But rather, I believe that it is more likely to occur at Purim in 2024 or 2025.
But nevertheless, life will become much more difficult in 2023.
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