July 16, 2022 (17th day of 4th biblical month)
When a man is effeminate and doesn't relate to other men, women aren't attracted to them. They see those men as weak and as not in their proper gender role. They're right.
But yet, many men see masculine women with tattoos, hunting, fishing, working on cars/trucks, etc as hot and sexy. A lot of men like that type of masculine woman, because then they have a buddy living at home. These men would never claim to be homosexual. But they are. Those men are closet homosexuals.
By nature, men should want a soft, feminine lady. Not a female hunting buddy. Not a female mechanic. Not a woman that could win a boxing match!
It's very sad when a woman doesn't feel feminine and can't relate with the female gender.
It's dysfunction.
It's a mental problem that will take time to heal, but is not impossible to heal.
I'm not saying that females must be extremely weak like a lot of girls are, spoiled and shallow (depthless, empty, flat, hollow: too much focused on the looks of the flesh and not much inside the soul).
But neither should they be looking & acting like men.
"This is who I am" isn't an acceptable excuse. We all have things about ourselves that must be changed. We all must be born again by The Holy Ghost and become a new person in Christ. Just because a female has acted liked, dressed like a man all of her life doesn't mean that who she is, is acceptable to God. Because a man who acts like and dresses like women is not normal and is not acceptable. It's mental illness, which can be, and must be fixed.
Gen. 2:15 God put Adam to work.
:18 Females created to help and assist men. But females not created as the primary worker. Only as assistant. And the number one job of all females is to assist/help men.
A woman isn't much of a help to the men and children if she works several hours a day, and then is out of energy when she comes home. She isn't much of a help, or a mother, if she is sending her children off to strangers at a public school when the children are less than the legal requirement for children's first year of school.
She's not helping if she has to leave for work before making breakfast for the husband and children. Or if she can't make supper/dinner. Or if she is not home all night long when the husband might need sex or any other type of assistance.
Eph. 5:22-24 Females must be submissive to the husband (or man of the house) in all things, unless that interferes with following God fully and putting God first. The 1st Commandment is the greatest commandment of all.
1 Timothy 2:12 But I allow not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Women are not meant to be pastors, prophets, evangelists, apostles.
But they can be a deaconess of other women and children.
They can be a prophetess, but that's not the same as a prophet.
A prophet is a male only office of administration of the church and is a main instrument of God's speaking to the entire church.
A prophetess is a female who shares prophecy that God has given her, and does so often. It's not an office of administration. Such a woman is in good mental health and has a very good relationship with God and truly hears from him. She is not paranoid and not crazy and not insane, as many of the false prophetesses are.
What is true for the church is also true for business, home and all areas of society.
God's rules apply all over the entire Earth, not just at church.
1 Cor. 11:1-10 The old custom and symbolism of females wearing hats in church is no longer required, but would be good & acceptable if a husband required the females of his household to do so. But what is still required is that any female that speaks in ministry (prayer, song, testimony, prophecy) do so only with/by permission and approval of her male authority (husband, pastor, etc).
Females must have feminine hair, not look like extremely short men's hair.
Men can have either/both, long or short hair. Long hair is natural for both sexes/genders. Short hair on men is a Roman cultural thing but is acceptable.
Titus 2:3-5 Older women teach younger women and children.
working at home, kind/gentle,
and submissive to their own husbands.
1 Peter 3:1-7 Women should have a "gentle & quiet spirit".
Not a true law against braiding hair. No such law in the bible.
Is a warning against spending too much money on physical appearance. Cosmetics would fit under the same category.
"Modest" is not talking about the amount of flesh showing, but rather about the amount of money spent on clothes, jewelry, purses, shoes, etc.
:7 "The weaker vessel" (compared to men).
Women don't need to be completely weak and helpless.
Women in the time of the writing of the Old Testament, Middle Testament (Apocrypha) & New Testament were much stronger than many women are today. They worked in the gardens/farms and made their own soap, etc.
But it's not feminine to dig ditches, work on cars/trucks, drive trucks, be police officers, be in the military, be firemen, be business leaders or church leaders.
Deut. 22:5 No cross dressing allowed.
Men should dress like men.
Female should dress like females.
Women's pants are acceptable if they are made for females, but should have some feminine characteristics to the pants and not be perfectly identical to men's pants.
A woman should never wear business pants!
It's acceptable for women to wear pants during public exercise, biking and winter.
Dresses are the appropriate clothing for women during worship services.
Women shouldn't ever wear men's shirts, except only to feel close to the husband when she might wear his shirt in private, but must never be seen in public with a man's shirt, t-shirt, dress/business shirt, etc.
Women shouldn't ever wear a man's baseball cap! Cowboy hat, etc.
Proverbs last chapter 31 (page 102) in AOB:
:10-31 Women work at home.
:12 "employs" change to "performs".