Dec. 17, 2022 (23rd day of 9th biblical month)
Jude verse 5 (Page 258 of The AOB) replacing "The Lord" with "JESUS".
The name Jesus in this verse is in the Codex Vaticanus, which the AOB is based mostly on, and is the oldest most complete ancient bible. Also in the Latin Vulgate.
1 Corinthians 10:1-5
:4 "the rock was Christ". Paul understood that "The Logos/Word" Jesus is the same God of the Exodus.
John 8:12-19 (Page 111) 'He who follows me does not walk in darkness. I am the light of the world'.
Jesus was the pillar/column of fire leading the people across the Red Sea all night long during "The Night to Be Much Observed".
Philo (who wrote the book of Hebrews), in his other writings outside of the bible, said that The Logos was the pillar/column of fire at the Red Sea and in the wilderness.
:19 Jesus is saying that He is The Father.
This revelation of Jude 5 is a confirmation of last week's sermon that God is not 2 or 3 persons/beings, but rather only one and the same being/person with more than one part, just like humans also have more than one part.
(Divine confirmation: Brother Jared brought up Daniel 3:24-25, Jesus (the Son of God) was present in the fire furnace. Earlier this same morning, I emptied ashes from our fireplace, and those ashes were still a little hot. Eventually those ashes got much hotter and I had to put water on them. When I was pouring the water, the hot ashes spewed upwards in a pillar/column of fire and ash cloud and smoke, representing the pillar of fire and cloud in the wilderness, but I didn't realize it yet. The fireplace represents the fire furnace in Daniel 3. Until Jared brought up Daniel 3, I had not yet told him about how hot the ashes had become after emptying them from the fireplace. I had told him that it was smoking just a little. But at that time, they had not yet become extremely hot and I had not yet poured the water. He also didn't know the sermon topic.
Also, I used this fireplace all last winter, and thus far this cold season, without this ever happening before.)
Don't forget that Hanukkah begins Monday December 19.
It is not a commanded rest day. So if you need to work, you can listen to the sermon recording after work or the next day.
But if you can listen live, that would be the best.
I encourage people to eat a special meal if possible.
Light candles or a menorah each evening/night for any desired length of time. All of this is already on the website page about Hanukkah.
I encourage people to watch (during Hanukkah) the Hanukkah movie on the website if you haven't yet.
Full sermon audio:
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